National Credit Union Administration
1775 Duke Street
Alexandria, Va 22314


Media Contact: Molly Schar
Phone: (703) 518-6338
Fax: (703)518-6409


NCUA Press Release

Johnson Named NCUA Board Vice Chair

Dollar Announces Unanimous Board Action To Name
Former Iowa State Senator As NCUA Board Vice Chair

January 15, 2003, Alexandria, Va. – NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar announced today that the NCUA Board has voted unanimously to name JoAnn Johnson as the Vice Chair of the Board. The designation is effective immediately.

“I have long felt that the Board should have a Vice Chair to make it clear beyond question who would chair a meeting or sign documents on behalf of the agency in the absence of the Chairman,” said Dollar in announcing the Board’s unanimous notation vote to name Johnson. “Senator Johnson has contributed much to the agency during her first year on the Board and I have tremendous confidence in both her judgment and her leadership ability. I think she will be an outstanding Vice Chair and I am extremely pleased to see this important position restored.”

When the NCUA Board has selected a Vice Chair in the past, it has traditionally been the other Board Member from the same political party as the Chairman and the President. Since the establishment of the bi-partisan three-member NCUA Board in 1979, three previous Vice Chairs have been elected by the NCUA Board. They were P. A. Mack in 1979, Elizabeth Burkhart in 1982 and Shirley Bowné in 1991. The Board has been without a Vice Chair since Ms. Bowné left the Board in 1997.

In supporting the action to name Johnson to the post, Board Member Deborah Matz said, “I am honored to serve with such distinguished colleagues. Mrs. Johnson has demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the safety and soundness of credit unions and I am sure she will carry out the duties of Vice Chair with the thoughtfulness and thoroughness that she has exemplified as a Board Member.”

Johnson, an Iowa State Senator prior to her appointment to the NCUA Board in 2002 said, “I want to express my appreciation to Chairman Dollar and Board Member Matz for their support in naming me Vice Chair. I look forward to continue working under Chairman Dollar’s leadership to ensure strict safety and soundness standards while further enhancing the regulatory environment for all credit unions.”

JoAnn Johnson was nominated to a seat on the NCUA Board by President George W. Bush in November 2001. Bush appointed Johnson to the Board as a recess appointee in early 2002 and the U.S. Senate confirmed her as a Board Member on March 22. Johnson was elected to the Iowa Senate in 1994 where she chaired the Senate Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Commerce Committee. Johnson’s term on the NCUA Board will expire in August 2007.

The National Credit Union Administration, governed by a three-member board appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, insuring the deposits of more than 80 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the overwhelming majority of state-chartered credit unions.