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National Credit Union Administration
1775 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3428
Phone: (703) 518-6330

NCUA News Release

NCUA Chairman Dollar Extends “Call To Action”
To “New Generation of NCUA Leadership”

NCUA Chairman Cites Statistics Showing 1 in 3 NCUA Supervisors
Eligible To Retire in Four Years or Less, Calls On “Positive Thinkers
With Right Philosophy” to Continue Agency’s Direction in Years Ahead

NASHVILLE, TN (July 14, 2003) - NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar, making his final address as agency head to the supervisory and management officials at the National Credit Union Administration’s bi-annual supervisory conference here today, extended a “call to action for a new generation of NCUA leadership.” Dollar’s tenure on the NCUA Board is likely to end in 2003 as his six-year term comes to an end with the expected nomination and confirmation of a successor before the end of the year.

Citing statistics which indicated that 1/3 of the present NCUA supervisory personnel will be eligible to retire from the agency within the next four years, Dollar challenged the agency leaders to “both demonstrate and develop our next generation of NCUA leaders to be positive thinkers with the right regulatory and supervisory philosophy.”

“We must continue the strides made in recent years to make NCUA a more effective and efficient regulator that facilitates credit union innovation in member service to folks from all walks of life built on a foundation of institutional safety and soundness,” said Dollar. “We cannot lose our effectiveness by becoming that excessive regulator who allows unnecessary overkill with no risk management basis to become a deterrent to innovation and vision among the institutions we regulate. NCUA needs your commitment to being strategic-thinking agency leaders who understand marketplace realities even as we maintain our standards of risk management and fulfill our financial stability supervisory role, when necessary without blinking. That is what our stakeholders expect of us and, yes, have the right to demand of us.”

Dollar said that the supervisory and management opportunities at NCUA would be “virtually unlimited” for those “willing to put down their roots and grow with NCUA” in the years to come.

“Although we hope that our most progressive supervisors and managers choose to stick around for years after they meet their retirement eligibility,” said Dollar, “history tells us that a sizeable number of those who are eligible to retire from federal service will choose to do so no matter how much they love their agency. The opportunities at NCUA for those who want to be our next generation of leadership, whether they are with us now or those who choose to join us in the future, are virtually unlimited. My challenge to you is to both provide that new generation of leadership and to also help us develop it among those you are presently supervising.”

Dollar stated that he was pleased with the improvements in both the efficiency and the image of NCUA as an agency that has occurred during his tenure on the NCUA Board and chairmanship.

“With your help we have brought NCUA a long way to become a much more respected and effective agency among credit unions, other financial regulatory agencies and on Capitol Hill,” said Dollar, “but we cannot rest on those laurels. I truly hope that one of my legacies as chairman is an agency which is forward looking with agency leaders in place, and in waiting, who will carry that vision forward.”

The NCUA holds a bi-annual supervisory training conference for all agency supervisors and managers every odd-numbered year. In the interim even-numbered years, the agency conducts a series of bi-annual regional conferences for training all agency personnel, including examiners.

NCUA also has an extensive management and executive development program designed to prepare the participants for supervisory positions that might become available in the future. Dollar endorsed that program and stated his hope that the program would continue in the years after he leaves the chairmanship.

“Management development is one of the lifelines of an effective organization,” said Dollar. “NCUA needs to keep its management and executive development programs as a vital part of its strategic plans for the future. If we are to develop the best and brightest that will make NCUA even more effective in the years to come, we must invest in strong development programs. We need to give the message to our next generation of leadership that they have a future at NCUA worth their investing in because we are willing to invest in it as well.”

The NCUA supervisory conference concludes on Friday. All three NCUA Board Members will address the participants during the course of the conference.

The National Credit Union Administration, governed by a three-member board appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters, and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, also operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), insuring the deposits of over 80 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the overwhelming majority of state-chartered credit unions.