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NCUA News Release



Projected 2004 Agency Budget Growth Modest at 2.99%

Oct. 10, 2003, Alexandria, Va. – The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) conducted its third annual Budget Briefing and Public Forum here today to unveil its projected 2004 agency budget and to accept comments from stakeholders. NCUA Executive Director J. Leonard Skiles presented the budget projection that will, if adopted by the NCUA Board at the level presented, combine savings measures from agency belt-tightening, with an average 4.1 percent merit salary increase potential for employees, to achieve an overall budget increase for 2004 of a modest 2.99 percent over the 2003 annual budget. The projected agency budget for 2004 totals $150.4 million.

The annual Budget Briefing and Public Forum was initiated by NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar upon his becoming agency head in 2001. Now in its third year, the briefing has been well-received by agency stakeholders at the federal and state levels.

“A more open NCUA budget process facilitates better understanding between the regulator and the regulated,” said Dollar. “Although we are an independent agency which should always maintain an arms length relationship with those we regulate, we must also recognize that credit unions fund our agency through their operating fees and the transfer from their insurance fund. We should be good stewards of those dollars and make sure our stakeholders are aware of our ongoing efforts to use those dollars wisely and to have the safest and soundest credit union system possible for the over 80 million Americans who depend on their credit unions.”

Regarding expense categories that will change in the 2004 projected budget, Skiles reported payroll expenses, the major category of expense for NCUA, will decline in 2004 due to reductions in the number of full time employees; however, employee benefit, travel, administration, labor relations and contracting expenses are projected to increase for the upcoming year.

All three NCUA Board members were present for the budget presentation by Skiles and heard oral comments from representatives of three major credit union trade associations who provided their views on agency expenses and priorities for 2004. The NCUA Board will consider both the oral comments at the public forum as well as submitted written comments, and vote on a final 2004 agency budget at its November 20 Board meeting.

“I am pleased with the ongoing fiscal responsibility this agency has demonstrated over the past several years which included a reduction of the NCUA budget by one-half percent in 2003 and further savings the Board approved at our 2003 mid-year review that further reduced the NCUA budget by an additional $3.3 million,” said Dollar. “I commend the NCUA Board for their diligence and good stewardship of agency funds. They have steadily supported the implementation of our Accountability In Management (AIM) efficiency goals and have seen impressive results such as the agency’s regional realignment plan which will be completed in 2004 at a projected savings of $27 million over a 10 year period.”

The three public witnesses making oral presentations today included representatives of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU) and the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS). NCUA will accept written statements and comments on today’s presentation through November 10.

For interested parties, the agency’s budget briefing PowerPoint presentation is available on the NCUA website at

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), governed by a three-member board appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, is the independent federal agency that charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, operates the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), insuring the savings of 80 million account holders in all federal credit unions and many state-chartered credit unions.