
The NIST Sparse BLAS (v. 0.9)

Sparse Matrix Computational Kernels

Karin Remington
Roldan Pozo
National Institute of Standards and Technology

New ANSI C baseline implementation of the BLAS Technical Forum Standard.

See the working document of the BLAST Sparse Subcommittee for related information.
As part of the ongoing standardization effort in the BLAS Technical Forum, we are releasing the NIST Sparse BLAS Library for public review. We hope this motivates discussion with the larger user-community regarding interface, functionality, and performance issues.
Now available, Beta release of the NIST FORTRAN Sparse BLAS... details here

Performance measurements and testers are now available.
See performance studies.

Source code request service is now available.
See SourceService to dynamically generate specific routines from the library.



The NIST Sparse BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram) library provides computational kernels for fundamental sparse matrix operations:

where A is sparse matrix, B and C are dense matrices/vectors, and DL and DR are diagonal matrices. This version of the NIST Sparse BLAS supports the following sparse formats: compressed-row, compressed-column, and coordinate storage formats, together with block and variable-block versions of these. Symmetric and skew-symmetric versions are also supported. See the User's Guide for documentation.

The routines are written in ANSI C and are callable from Fortran and C through the interface proposed in the Sparse BLAS Toolkit, see "A Revised Proposal for a Sparse BLAS Toolkit", by S. Carney, M. Heroux, G. Li, R. Pozo, K. Remington and K. Wu. Also see the companion paper, "A set of Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for sparse matrices", I. Duff, M. Marrone, G. Radiacti, C. Vittoli.

In addition to the Sparse BLAS Toolkit interface, developers have access to lightweight kernel routines. These Sparse BLAS Lite routines are unique to each parameter combination of the higher-level Toolkit interface. The Lite routines are designed for minimal overhead; they have no case statements, nor elaborate error-detection overhead. Thus, they are ideal for use on small matrices or to be used as efficient building blocks in higher-level routines. Some typical examples of the Lite routines:

		C <- A' * B             CSR_MatMult_CATB()
		C <- A * B + C          CSR_MatMult_CABC()
		C <- alpha*A*B + b*C    CSR_MatMult_CaBbC()
		C <- D*A^(-1)*B + C     CSR_MatTriangSlvLD_CDABC()
See the Distribution/Installation Notes for more information about the kernel routine interface. The Toolkit functions are essentially complicated case statements wrapped around a set of Lite routines.


Due to the large number of matrix structures and algorithm cases, the primary effort has been on functionality rather than performance. Nevertheless, preliminary results show performance comparable to optimized Fortran codes on Sun SparcStations and IBM RS/6000s (between 10-15 Mflops for sparse matrices, 15-30 Mflops for block sparse matrices). See performance studies for more information.


Version 0.9 of the NIST Sparse BLAS includes approximately 1,300 double-precision routines (over 100K lines of code) generated from 49 template routines. The lightweight kernel routines are generated from a small number of source lines (at present about 5,000) by defining and expanding macros for successively restrictive sets of calling sequence parameters. This allows optimization and debugging changes to the core source code to be quickly and automatically propagated to all affected kernel routines. For information on the code generation mechanism, see source file generation. To generate source code routines on-the-fly, see the SourceService Request Form.



The complete installation (with testing) requires about 20 megabytes of free disk space. To request only specific routines from the library, see SourceService code request form.


WARNING: MISSING FILE: The script was inadvertantly left out of the distribution which was available prior to 8/7/96. It is only required if the user regenerates the library source code (after optimizing the kernels, for example). It can be obtained here,, and should be placed in the include subdirectory with filename This file is included in the distribution currently available.

Development Status: Minimal Maintenance
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Last Modified: 03/31/2004