15th International Problem-Oriented Policing Conference
28-30, 2004, Charlotte, North Carolina
Take this opportunity to attend an exciting program on subjects of
timely interest such as identity theft, homicide, fear of crime, drug
dealing, plus the prestigious Goldstein and Tilley Awards for 2004.
the POP
Conference site for program and registration information.
You're invited: The National Conference on Offender Reentry,
September 19 - 22, 2004,Cleveland, Ohio
The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF)
has just released Volume 1 of By the Numbers: A Guide to Analyzing
Race Data from Vehicle Stops. This free document is meant for
researchers who are analyzing police-citizen contact data collected
by law enforcement agencies to assess the existence of racially
biased policing.
This new training program represents an alternative national
model for field training that incorporates community policing and
problem solving principles. It incorporates contemporary methods of
adult education and a version of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
method of teaching adapted for police. The PTO program represents
the first new post-academy field training program for law
enforcement agencies in more than 30 years. More...