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About AgNIC

The AgNIC (Agriculture Network Information Center) Alliance began in 1995 with land-grant institutions committed to a partnership. This vision continues to sustain a collaborative alliance. This collaboration is between libraries and Cooperative Extension; between libraries and academic departments within colleges; between states who unite around a common agricultural theme or sub-discipline; between technologists and librarians who are committed to using technology to knit disparate information resources into a cohesive whole. The results of these partnerships are rich collections of essential information and services offered to users around the globe. The collaboration and contributions of the partners allow the institutions to meet local, national, and international needs in a cost-effective manner. ... ( mostly excerpted from ARL Bimonthly Report, August 2002 )

AgNIC partners meet in the spring each year at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland. At that meeting, the partners discuss new developments; showcase projects; present ideas and issues; evaluate past performance; and plan for the future of the partnership. For specifics on membership, governance, meeting notes and other types of information on AgNIC, please visit the box to the left and select the information you need.