DOD-Wide Antivirus Software Licenses
On 13 September 2002 the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) competitively awarded three 5-year contracts
replacing the current Department of Defense (DoD) and Coast Guard Enterprise Anti-Virus Software Initiative (EASI) License
Agreements. Awards went to the following companies: Network Associates, Inc. of Santa Clara, Calif.; Northrop Grumman
Information Technology of Greenbelt, Md. (teamed with Symantec Corporation of Cupertino, Calif.); and Government Technology
Solutions, Inc. of Shingle Springs, Calif. (teamed with Trend Micro of Cupertino, Calif.). For further info on products please
reference the DOD DISA Anti-Virus FAQ. This years Terms and Conditions for Network
Associates/McAfee , Symantec , and
Trend Micro
To proceed with downloads from this page, you must have FTP access. If you
do not have FTP access, refer to the INFOSEC FAQ Page. Additionally, the
Antiviral software is a fully licensed DOD product available to all DOD
employees and their contractors. DOD employees may use this product at
home, and DOD contractors may use this product on DOD interest computers
subject to the terms of their contract.