Chairman Sensenbrenner's Photo


US House of Representatives

Committee on the Judiciary

107th Congress Flag

F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Chairman

Subcommittee Members

Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property

Mr. Lamar Smith, Chairman

B-351A Rayburn HOB, Tel: 202-225-5741
Mr. Henry Hyde Mr. Howard Berman
Mr. Elton Gallegly Mr. John Conyers
Mr. Bob Goodlatte Mr. Rick Boucher
Mr. William Jenkins Ms. Zoe Lofgren
Mr. Spencer Bachus Ms. Maxine Waters
Mr. Mark Green Mr. Martin Meehan
Mr. Ric Keller Mr. William Delahunt
Ms. Melissa Hart Mr. Robert Wexler
Mr. Mike Pence Ms. Tammy Baldwin
Mr. J. Randy Forbes Mr. Anthony Weiner

Mr. John Carter


Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security,

and Claims

Mr. John N. Hostettler, Chairman

B-370B Rayburn HOB, Tel: 202-225-5727
Mr. Jeff Flake Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee
Mrs. Marsha Blackburn Ms. Linda Sanchez
Mr. Lamar Smith Ms. Zoe Lofgren
Mr. Elton Gallegly Mr. Howard Berman
Mr. Chris Cannon Mr. John Conyers

Mr. Steve King


Ms. Melissa Hart


Subcommittee on Commercial and

Administrative Law

Mr. Chris Cannon, Chairman

B353 Rayburn HOB, Tel: 202-225-2825
Mr. Howard Coble Mr. Melvin Watt
Mr. Jeff Flake Mr. Jerrold Nadler
Mr. John Carter Ms. Tammy Baldwin
Mrs. Marsha Blackburn Mr. William Delahunt
Mr. Steve Chabot Mr. Anthony Weiner

Mr. Tom Feeney


Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and

Homeland Security

Mr. Howard Coble, Chairman

207 Cannon HOB, Tel: 202-225-3926
Mr. Tom Feeney Mr. Robert Scott
Mr. Bob Goodlatte Mr. Adam Schiff
Mr. Steve Chabot Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee
Mr. Mark Green Ms. Maxine Waters
Mr. Ric Keller Mr. Martin Meehan
Mr. Mike Pence  

Mr. J. Randy Forbes


Subcommittee on the Constitution

Mr. Steve Chabot, Chairman

362 Ford HOB, Tel: 202-226-7680
Mr. Steve King Mr. Jerrold Nadler
Mr. William Jenkins Mr. John Conyers
Mr. Spencer Bachus Mr. Robert Scott
Mr. John Hostettler Mr. Melvin Watt
Ms. Melissa Hart Mr. Adam Schiff
Mr. Tom Feeney  
Mr. J. Randy Forbes