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House Judiciary Democrats have been at the forefront of many of the most important issues facing the country. Among other things, we have successfully fought efforts by the Republicans to unconstitutionally limit a woman’s right to choose, break down the wall separating church and state, undermine our nation’s historic commitment to immigrants and refugees, erode our citizens’ civil justice protections, and use impeachment as a device to undermine our constitutional form of government. At the same time, we have aggressively pushed for new laws to reduce crime and the incidence of gun violence, and protect all of our citizen’s civil rights and liberties. We have also worked with the Majority on a bipartisan basis in taking the lead in enacting copyright and patent laws which will help maintain our nation’s leading role in innovation and high technology. This web site includes information on these and other important Judiciary Committee matters.

John Conyers, Jr.

John Conyers, Jr.
Ranking Democrat

House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff
Phone: 202-225-6906
B-351-C Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515