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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Last Updated: 12/23/2003

* HMDA Processing
* Data Entry Software
* Public Data
* Data Orders
* Geocoding

If these FAQs do not address your particular questions, please contact us.

HMDA Processing

My institution will soon qualify to report HMDA data. What software and documents are available to assist me in getting started and how can I access them?

All materials that will assist you in collecting and preparing your HMDA submission are available from this FFIEC HMDA web site. Do the following:

1. Access Regulation C and Official Staff Commentary.
2. Access the 'How to File' link ( and:

3. Determine your institution's Respondent Identification Number (RID) derived from different source numbers used by each regulatory agency. Access specific instructions regarding RID numbers from the Q&A section of the 2001 CRA/HMDA Reporter newsletter from

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What do I do if I find an error in my submission after it has been submitted?

You should send a "Complete Resubmission", in its entirety, to or mail your submission to:
Federal Reserve Board
Attention: HMDA Processing, (Enter Regulatory Agency)
20th and Constitution Avenue MS N502
Washington, DC 20551-0001

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How do I resubmit?

After you have made all the necessary corrections to your institution's data, follow the same steps you would in making your initial submission (export data, transmit data, receive edit report and sign off on confirmation sheet). However, please make sure to mark your resubmission as a "Complete Resubmission of CCYY data".

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Is there a penalty if my institution has to resubmit?

The Federal Reserve Board's HMDA processing staff expects to receive valid and accurate HMDA data that have been checked using edits approved for the particular calendar year. If data are not accurately reported, we encourage resubmissions. Questions about charges and penalties should be directed to your supervisory agency.

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Where can I find out about any updates to HMDA processing and/or Regulation C changes?

As public information becomes available it is posted on the FFIEC web site at .

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What changes to HMDA reporting should my institution be concerned about during its collection and preparation of the 2004 HMDA data submission?

For a comprehensive review of the Regulation C amendments effective January 1, 2004, please access the following links:

Regulation C and Official Staff Commentary,

2004 Regulation C Training,

2004 Regulation C Supplement,

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When I am determining whether my institution is a required HMDA reporter, what year is the 'preceding calendar year'?

The 'preceding calendar year' is the year prior to the calendar year of HMDA data that you are collecting. For example, if you are collecting 2004 HMDA data, the preceding calendar year is 2003.

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How do I know if my submission has been received and/or loaded to your system?

If you sent your submission via Internet e-mail, you should receive an edit report via fax within a week of transmitting it. If you sent your submission via diskette, you should receive an edit report via fax within two weeks of mailing it. If you have not heard or received a response beyond these estimated time frames, you should e-mail, include your respondent ID, agency code, contact name and number, and the date you sent your submission. An analyst will contact you.

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When I have a HMDA question, should I e-mail HMDAHELP and call the HMDA Assistance Line?

If you use both services, you may get confused after you receive an answer by phone and e-mail, so please use only one -- either e-mail or call (202) 452-2016.

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When are initial HMDA data due and to whom is it sent?

You must submit initial HMDA data for your institution to the processing agency specified by your supervisory agency no later than March 1 following the calendar year for which the data are compiled. The Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC serves as the processing agency for OCC-, FDIC-, OTS-, and NCUA-supervised institutions. For institutions regulated by the Federal Reserve System, each Federal Reserve District Bank is responsible for processing the data from the institutions located in their district. For independent mortgage lending institutions, HUD is the processing agency. Data that you send to your processing agency is considered late if the postmark on the package or the e-mail submission is after March 1st. (Note that if March 1st falls on the weekend, the due date moves to the first Monday. For example, the calendar year 2003 HMDA data were due by March 1, 2004).

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What is a voluntary reporter?

A voluntary reporter is an institution that does not meet the reporting criteria but chooses to submit their HMDA data. Be reminded that if you choose to be a voluntary reporter, you are responsible for the accuracy and quality of your data, and your report must comply with the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and Regulation C. Two FFIEC agencies, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve System (FRS), do not accept voluntary reporters. Thus if you are regulated by the FDIC or FRS you do not have a choice; you must meet the reporting criteria to report.

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Data Entry Software

Can I download the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software?

Download the most recent version of the software from the FFIEC HMDA web site at HMDA Data Entry Software Version 2.31 should be used for collection of 2003 HMDA data due March 1, 2004. HMDA Data Entry Software Version 3.01 should be used for collection of 2004 HMDA data due March 1, 2005. Version 3.01 will only be available on the FFIEC HMDA web site for DOWNLOAD and WILL NOT be distributed on CD-ROM. Version 3.01 will NOT update prior versions of the HMDA software and will be installed on a separate default directory from Version 2.31 and prior.

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Can I install the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software on my institution's network?

The FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software is NOT network compatible, and the FFIEC does not support installation to a network. The software should be installed locally on a hard disk.

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How do I import data into the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software?

Choose 'Import' from the Front Page. Select the 'Import' option and click 'Ok'. Choose the target file where the import file is located. If necessary, locate the file by choosing the 'Browse' button. Click 'Begin'. A warning will appear with information regarding the length of time it will take to import the data. Click 'Ok'. A box will appear asking the question, "Are there more LARs to import on another file?" Choose the appropriate option. A box will appear indicating the number of LARs imported. Verify this information and click 'Ok', which returns you to the Front Page. A 'Batch Edit', located on the Front Page, should be performed after each import.

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How do I ensure a validity error-free HMDA submission with the 'Batch Edit' function?

To ensure a validity error-free submission, choose 'Batch Edit' from the Front Page. A description of the Batch Edit will appear, click 'Begin'. The Batch Edit will be performed and you will receive a Transmittal and LAR status upon completion. If your submission contains errors, you must print an 'Error Report' from the Front Page and correct those errors prior to submitting your data. Repeat the Batch Edit after you have corrected your data. If your submission contains warnings, this means the submission contains Quality Edits. The data with Quality Edits are NOT necessarily an error; however, they should be verified prior to submitting your data.

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How do I export HMDA data from the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software?

Perform a Batch Edit to ensure your data are free of validity errors by choosing the 'Batch Edit' option from the Front Page. After your data are validity error free, choose 'Export' from the Front Page. A message will appear reminding you that the e-mail option is the most efficient way to submit your HMDA data. Click 'Close'. Select your export option and click 'Ok'. Verify the target file, 'HMDA.DAT' and click 'Begin'. Verify your Institution information and click 'Continue'. A notification will verify that the export was successful. The encrypted file (HMDAENCR.ENC) that you send via e-mail to the agency responsible
for processing your HMDA data will be located in the following directory
(C:\HMDAW\int\Hmdaencr.enc) for software Version 2.31 and prior.

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When I export the HMDA data, does a copy still exist in the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software?

Yes, data are maintained within the software even when an export is performed.

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Public Data

How can I get a copy of the Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it Right!?

You can download a copy of the most recent Guide directly from the web site. Please refer to the web site periodically for status updates on the Guide.

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My institution reported HMDA data for last year; however, I did not receive the disclosure statement. How can I get a copy?

Beginning with calendar year 2000 HMDA data, HMDA data public disclosure statements continue to be distributed annually on CD-ROM. The cover memorandum included in the CD-ROM package is addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO); the package is mailed to the HMDA contact person that was reported by you on the Transmittal Sheet (TS) and included with your submission for the specified year. Please verify the receipt of the CD-ROM with your CEO or HMDA contact person prior to notifying us to resolve non-receipt. Note that disclosure statements from 1997 forward are available to view and print from the FFIEC web site at If you have questions about retrieving a disclosure statement from this web site, please e-mail or call (202) 452-2016.

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When is the final disclosure statement available?

Institutions that report HMDA data for a specific year should expect to receive the CD-ROM that contains a disclosure statement for all reporters by the beginning of August of the year the data are processed. (For example, disclosure statements of calendar year 2003 HMDA data will be available early August, 2004).

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Is an institution required to mail a copy of the disclosure statement to someone who requests that it be mailed?

An institution must respond to a written request within 15 calendar days. For more information, refer to page 7 of the Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it Right!

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Data Orders

I faxed a completed data order form and included an overnight carrier number. How long will it take before I receive my order?

Data orders are processed within 8-10 business days after receipt of a completed order form. We strive to complete and mail data orders as soon as possible.

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Are the data items on the HMDA data order form the only products available to the public?

No, we have other data items available on the public data link of the FFIEC HMDA web site at The items on the HMDA data order form and on the public data link of the web site comprise all the HMDA data products available to the public.

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What do I do if one of the data products I ordered is faulty?

You should return the entire product with a cover letter that explains the purpose of the return. Upon receipt of the faulty product, we will send you a replacement.

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What is the best data product to order that allows me to manipulate and analyze the data?

You should order the LAR & TS Raw data CD for $50. This data can be downloaded from the CD into a spreadsheet application. You can manipulate and sort the data by specific fields for further analysis. (The Help screen on the CD provides details on how to download the data).

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Can I download the HMDA data that is included on the web site?

Data products on the Web (specifically the aggregate tables and disclosure reports) cannot be downloaded, but you can print the information shown on the screens. Data products on CD-ROM can be downloaded to a text, database, or spreadsheet application.

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Why do I have property location validity errors on my HMDA report if I used the FFIEC Geocoding System to obtain the property location information?

The FFIEC Geocoding System does not provide property location information for all valid street addresses for various reasons. One reason may be timing -- new developments, for instance, come into existence all the time and may not have been accounted for in the database release that is used in the FFIEC Geocoding System. When an exact street address cannot be matched, paper outline maps sold by the U.S. Census Bureau should be used to determine the census tract (refer to pages 18-21 of the Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it Right!). For more information on maps and other resources that may assist you, contact the U.S. Census Bureau at

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If the FFIEC Geocoding System does not provide me with MA/State/County/Census Tract information, should I send in my HMDA submission without this information included?

Absolutely not. A reporter must include valid property location information on each record of their HMDA report. If the FFIEC Geocoding System does not provide the geographical information about the property location, there are several other tools that can be used (refer to pages 18-21 of the Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it Right! to geocode your data. It is the reporter's responsibility to exhaust all available resources in obtaining valid property location information.

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I am a HUD reporter, who do I call for assistance?

For assistance with HUD-related issues, call the HUD HMDA Assistance Line at 202-755-7500, x7572 or e-mail

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I am a HUD reporter, where do I send my HMDA submission?

HMDA data submissions for HUD reporters should be submitted electronically through the FHA connection at the following web site; You can also e-mail or mail your submission to the following address:

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD Building
451 7th Street, SW
2nd Floor, Room 2251
Attn: HMDA Operations
Washington D.C. 20410

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I am a HUD reporter, how do I resubmit my HMDA data?

To resubmit your HMDA data for HUD reporters, prepare the corrected submission, clearly label as a "Resubmission" and follow the instructions under 'I am a HUD reporter, where do I send my HMDA Submission?' question.

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I am a HUD reporter and I have not received my Edit Report. What should I do?

HUD reporters who have not received their Edit Report have the following options:

  • If you submitted your data through the FHA Connection, you can view your Edit Report online within 24 hours of your submission.
  • If you submitted your data via diskette, you can view your Edit Report online through the FHA connection upon receipt of your User Name and Password. If you do not have a user name or password, contact HUD at 202-755-7500, x7572 or e-mail
  • If you need a paper copy of your Edit Report or have questions, contact HUD at 202-755-7500, x7572 or e-mail

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