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Rattus norvegicus genome view
build 2 version 1 statistics

  BLAST search the rat genome

     Lineage: Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Rodentia; Sciurognathi; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus

The NCBI Map Viewer presents a graphical view of several types of maps for the rat, including genetic, radiation hy brid, and sequence maps. The sequence maps include contigs from the RGSC v3.1 assembly, provided by the Rat Genome Sequencing Conso rtium (RGSC), and contigs from the NCBI NT assembly based on finished BAC sequences in GenBank. sta tistics being provided for each build.

Map features that can be seen along the sequence include contigs (the "Contig" map), the WGS sequences (the "Component" map), and the location of genes, STSs, ESTs, Gnomon predicted gene models, SAGE tags, variation, and more.

You can find genes or markers of interest by submitting a query against the whole genome, or a chromosome at a time. The results are indicated both graphically, as tick marks on the ideogram, and in a tabular format. The results table includes links to a chromosome graphical view where the gene or marker can be seen in the context of additional data. For genes, a particularly useful display includes the Gene, Ab initio (e.g ., the Gnomon predicted models), and UniGene sequence maps. Alternatively, you can browse a chromosome by clicking on a chromosome link in the ideogram above. Use the "Maps & Options" window, available on individual chromosome displays, to configure your display .

Please note that other genomes can also be viewed in the NCBI Map Viewer resource. The Map Viewer Home Page p rovides a current list. Consider also reviewing the resources listed on the Genomic Biology site.

Available Documentation:


Last modified: December 4, 2003

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