Malaria Genetics & Genomics
PubMed Entrez BLAST OMIM Books TaxBrowser Structure
    Malaria/Mosquito Custom BLAST

[An Overview] [About the Databases]
Select one or more databases to search:

Select Multiple Custom Databases:
 P. falciparum Databases: Other Resources:
  Chr 1 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 2: TIGR/NMRC Pf Chr2 Data Access
  Chr 3 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 4 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 5 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 6 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 7 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 8 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 9: Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 10 Go to TIGR BLAST
  Chr 11 Go to TIGR BLAST
  Chr 12  
  Chr 13 Go to Sanger P.f. BLAST
  Chr 14 Go to TIGR BLAST
For P. falciparum Genome (Chr 1-14) Go to BLAST P. falciparum Genome
  P. falciparum Dd2 EST P. falciparum Gene Seq Tag Project
  P. falciparum HB3 GSS P. falciparum Gene Seq Tag Project
  P. falciparum full length cDNA P. falciparum Full Length cDNA Project
Go to Univ of Tokyo BLAST
 P. berghei Databases:  
  P. berghei GSS pb_gss (list of gi)
  P. berghei EST pb_est (list of gi)
  P. berghei Contig Assembled pbcontig_assembled (custom)
  P. berghei Contig Unassembled pbcontig_unassembled (custom)
P. vivax Databases:  
  P. vivax Belem/ Salvador I GSS P. vivax Gene Seq Tag Project
  P. vivax IVD10 YAC clone Sanger Center P. vivax YAC Seq Project
pvyac (custom)
P. chabaudi Databases:  
  P. chabaudi AS GSS University of Glasgow GSS Project
Go to Sanger P. chabaudi BLAST
pc_gss.n.gil (list of gi)
  P. chabaudi genomic shotgun P. chabaudi Partial Genome Shotgun Project
Go to Sanger P. chabaudi BLAST
  P. chabaudi contig assembled pccontig_assembled (gnl custom)
  P. chabaudi contig unassembled pccontig_unassembled (gnl custom)
P. knowlesi Databases:  
  P. knowlesi genomic shotgun P. knowlesi Partial Genome Shotgun Project
Go to Sanger P. knowlesi BLAST
pk_contig (custom)
P. reichenowi Databases:  
  P. reichenowi genomic shotgun P. reichenowi Partial Genome Shotgun Project
Go to Sanger P. reichenowi BLAST
prshotgun (custom)
P. yoelii Databases:  
  P. yoelii Contigs (No Annotation) P. yoelii Genome Database (TIGR/NMRC)
P. yoelii Genome Seq TIGR
  P. yoelii Singleton (No Annotation) P. yoelii Genome Database (TIGR/NMRC)
P. yoelii Genome Seq TIGR
  Genome (nucleotide) p_yoelii.n.gil
Go to BLAST P. falciparum Genome
  Genome (protein) p_yoelii.p.gil
Go to BLAST P. falciparum Genome
An. gambiaeDatabases:  
  An. gambiae STC An. gambiae STC Sequence (Genoscope)
Go to Genoscope BLAST
angstc (custom)
  An. gambiae scaffold
  An. gambiae proteins

Select a BLAST program and enter your sequence in the text area below. Program       MegaBlast:

Enter an accession, gi, or a sequence in FASTA format

[About FASTA]

The query sequence is filtered for low complexity regions by default.
View results in a separate window.
Perform ungapped alignment

Advanced options for the BLAST server:
Expect   Filter  
  Low complexity  
  Human repeats
  Mask for lookup table only

   Matrix      Gap existence cost   Per residue gap cost   Lambda ratio

Other advanced options:

These items are needed only for formatting. If you wish to change them, you may do so now or when you request your results.

NCBI-gi Graphical Overview
Alignment view
Descriptions   Alignments

The BLAST server may be very busy during the weekday, resulting in delays for users. The email option allows a user to receive the results quickly in a convenient form.

Send reply to the Email address

Comments and suggestions to: [blast-help@ncbi.nlm.nih .gov]

Revised: July 01, 2003

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