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Consider this: A Seaman was in the paint issue room mixing paint for an upcoming job when the ship took an unexpected roll. As he steadied himself, he turned around just in time to see an open container of paint thinner defy the law of gravity. He threw up his hands to protect himself; but, he got a face full of mist, nonetheless.

He bolted for the eyewash station! But, his travel was hampered by the boxes and paint cans stacked in front of it.

Luckily, another Sailor came to his aid and escorted him to medical where he was treated and returned to duty. Fortunate individual -- this time.

Time is of essence when dealing with chemical exposure to the eyes. They just don’t stand up well to injury. The faster treatment is started, the better the chances are that there will be no permanent damage.

From January 1998 to June 1999, there were 58 instances noted on the NAVOSH portion of the safety survey of eyewash stations that were obstructed.

Remember, all units shall be available in easily accessible, unobstructed locations. In no instance shall a unit be located in an area that requires more than 10 seconds to reach or is more than 100 feet from the hazard.

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