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Water Supply News

Reservoir Operations Study

TVA’s Reservoir Operations Study (ROS), designed to determine whether changes in TVA’s reservoir operating policies would produce greater overall public value, includes significant consideration of water supply. The projected growth in water demand over the next 30 years was considered in the evaluation of policy alternatives. Read more about the ROS.

USGS Water Use Report

The United States Geological Survey has recently published its analysis of water use in the Tennessee River watershed. The report analyzes in-stream and off-stream water withdrawals and returns for 2000, and makes projections for 2030. The Tennessee River watershed ranks first in the nation in average daily water withdrawals per square mile. However, the watershed ranks lowest in the nation for consumptive loss (water that isn't returned to the river system). Read the report.

Regional Resource Stewardship Council

The Regional Resource Stewardship Council is an advisory group composed of public and private stakeholders representing a broad range of interests from all the states that TVA serves. The council recently recommended the creation of a watershed-wide partnership to foster regional collaboration and cooperation in the development of source water to meet the demands of growth.

Twenty-First Century Water Commission Act of 2003

HR 135 would establish a Twenty-First Century Water Commission to develop recommendations for a comprehensive water strategy to address the nation’s future water needs. Read the testimony of Kate Jackson, TVA’s Environmental Executive and Executive Vice President of River System Operations & Environment, in support of the proposed Commission.

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