
NCD Youth Advisory Committee

Reports and Documents

Youth Advisory Committee Charter


Official Designation: Youth Advisory Committee

Scope and Objectives: The Committee will provide advice to the National Council on Disability (NCD) on various issues such as NCD’s planning and priorities. NCD is seeking this type of input in order to make sure NCD’s activities and policy recommendations respond to the needs of youth with disabilities.

Duration: The Committee will consist of 12 youth and young adult members representing the interests of each federal region. Two of these members will be high school students. The Committee will exist for two years from the date of this Charter, unless earlier renewed.

Reporting Relationship: The Committee reports to the National Council on Disability’s Executive Committee.

Support: The National Council on Disability will support the Committee’s activities.

Duties: The Committee will provide advice and recommendations only.

Costs: The estimated annual operating costs associated with supporting the Committee’s functions are estimated to be $25,000 per year, including all direct and indirect expenses. It is estimated that .2 of an FTE will be required to support this Committee.

Meetings: It is anticipated that the Committee will meet at least 4 times per year. This will include three times via teleconference and one face-to-face meeting.

Organization: NCD will create any subcommittee which may be necessary to fulfill the Committee’s mission. NCD and the Committee will establish such operating procedures as required to support the group, consistent with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended.

Date of Termination: The Committee will terminate 2 years from the date of the charter filing, unless sooner renewed.

Charter Renewal Date: October 29, 2003

Ethel D. Briggs
Executive Director

Youth Advisory Committee Bylaws

Section 1. Purpose: The National Council on Disability (NCD) Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) was established as a non-paid advisory body to include youth and young adult perspectives in carrying out the mission of NCD. This is to ensure that NCD's activities and policy recommendations incorporate the needs of youth with disabilities. NCD's mission is to promote policies, programs, practices, and procedures that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability; and to support the empowerment of individuals with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and integration into all aspects of society.

Section 2. Functions: In an advisory role to NCD, the YAC will perform the following duties:

  1. Advise NCD on matters (e.g., economic, educational, employment, housing, social, transportation, and technological) related to the needs of children, youth and young adults with disabilities.

  2. Review and provide comments on NCD's priorities and projects.

  3. Select a reasonable number of issues and activities among NCD's priorities for YAC concentration.

  4. Enhance NCD's knowledge about how the lives of children, youth, and young adults are affected by the implementation and enforcement of federal legislation (e.g. The Americans With Disabilities Act, Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Amendments, Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act, Higher Education Act, Fair Housing Act, Assistive Technology Act, Rehabilitation Act Amendments, Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act, Aircraft Carriers Access Act, and Workforce Investment Act); advise NCD on compliance issues and recommend policy changes.

Section 3. Membership: The YAC, whose members shall be appointed by NCD, shall be comprised of a balanced, culturally diverse membership, representing a variety of disabilities and locations across the United States as to represent the 10 federal regions

  1. The Youth Advisory Committee shall be comprised of twelve members with diverse backgrounds and a variety of disabilities. Two of the twelve positions are specifically designated for youth who are currently enrolled in a high school curriculum. Each member can be appointed for a three-year term. Terms of appointment may be staggered to ensure that a portion of the experienced members are retained during transition of newly appointed members. Selection of members and their terms shall be determined by NCD; members will serve until succeeded.

  2. A member who is absent, without due cause from two consecutive public meetings and who does not contribute to the tasks undertaken by the assigned workgroup and/or designated work of the full committee may be recommended for termination. After consultation with the DFO, the YAC Chair will notify such members of this recommendation in writing, using an accessible format (e.g., e-mail, electronic documentation, Braille, large print, cassette) and will request that NCD appoint a replacement.

  3. In the event that a member vacates his/her position, the Chair will, within 5 days after receipt of the resignation, notify NCD's DFO, General Counsel/Director of Policy Team and Counsel Liaison and request a replacement.

  4. YAC members will serve without compensation except that NCD will reimburse each member for agreed upon reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in attending the face-to-face meeting (See Section 4, Paragraph A) as well as performing assigned functions and duties, if funds are available. Reimbursable expenses shall be determined by NCD.

Section 4. Meetings:

  1. The YAC shall hold at least four public meetings within a fiscal year in order to provide timely advice to NCD prior to its scheduled quarterly meetings. With the approval of the DFO, the YAC shall determine the time, place, and manner of meetings, including one annual face-to-face meeting.

  2. All public meetings are open to the public and will be held in accessible facilities. Announcements and proceedings of all meetings and documents related to the functions of the YAC will be available in accessible format and in a language that the general public can understand.

  3. To comply with Federal law requirements for public notice, the announcement of all public meetings will be provided to the DFO for transmittal to the NCD public information officer no less than thirty days before the meeting date for publication in the Federal Register. Information about the 30-day notice shall also be provided to YAC members.

  4. The YAC's meeting agenda will be presented in a consistent structure, with flexibility when appropriate to address new matters (e.g., welcome and introductions, project, team, and/or work group briefing, discussion of relevant policy issue(s), reaching consensus on any item(s) intended as advice or recommendations to NCD, determination of next assignments with timelines for completion, announcements, and adjournment).

  5. With the approval of the Designated Federal Official (DFO), special public meetings of the YAC may be called by the Chair or upon the consensus of one-third of the members and made known to the Chair who shall notify all YAC members and the NCD public affairs staff no less than 30 calendar days prior to the meeting stating the purpose. No other business may be transacted at a special public meeting .

  6. Operational meetings or work group sessions to discuss the operations and procedures of the YAC may be called from time to time. Work groups will report relevant suggestions in the next public meeting. Members designated to participate in workgroups will be notified at least ten business days prior to the date of the discussion to allow for reasonable accommodation arrangements, as needed.

  7. Each YAC member is entitled to one vote on all matters before the Advisory Committee. All decisions of the YAC shall be made by a majority vote of members in attendance. No proxies will be accepted in place of a member for purposes of voting.

Section 5. Officers: The officers of the YAC shall include a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary.

  1. The Chair will:

    1. Preside at all YAC public meetings.

    2. Exercise general oversight and coordination of the affairs of the YAC.

    3. Authenticate by his/her signature, all YAC actions, documents of advice, and recommendations to NCD.

    4. Implement the organizational structure and procedural of the YAC.

    5. Report the YAC activities and accomplishments at the face-to-face meeting.

    6. Recommend appointments to internal workgroups for purposes of collecting youth perspectives, sharing information, increasing knowledge about policy issues and the enforcement of laws, information dissemination and outreach to other youth and young adults.

    7. Solicit areas of interest regarding the identified NCD projects and issues and designate YAC members for shared leadership of internal workgroups.

  2. The Vice-Chair will:

    1. Perform the duties of the Chair in the event of the absence or incapacitation, or at the request of the Chair.

    2. Automatically succeed to the position of Chair in case of a vacancy in that position and serve until the next election.

    3. Coordinate the activities of all special internal workgroups and where leaders have been designated maintain communication and provide assistance, as needed.

    4. Assist with the planning of public meetings and internal discussions, as appropriate.

  3. The Secretary will:

    1. Assist with note-taking tasks for public meetings, share notes and collaborate with the DFO.

    2. Serve on the Executive Committee with input equivalent to the Chair and Vice-Chair.

    3. Develop summary notes from Executive Committee discussions and assist with editing prior to posting information for the public through the YAC newsletter.

    4. Assist with keeping a record of YAC accomplishments for the fiscal year.

  4. Officers will have such other duties as prescribed by these By-Laws.

  5. Officers will be elected by the YAC and shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Officers shall be elected at the face-to-face meeting and shall assume responsibility at the beginning of the fiscal year (see section 8).

  6. No officers may be elected to the same position for more than two consecutive years.

Section 6. Conflict of Interest: In the event that an issue, proposal or similar matter is presented to the YAC, resulting in a potential conflict of interest, the affected YAC member shall recuse him or herself from any discussion involving the matter, except for points of clarification requested by the YAC, and will not vote on the pending matter. For the purpose of these By-Laws, a conflict of interest situation would exist when work that a YAC member is performing for another organization, state, local, or federal agency and the interests of that entity are likely to be impacted by advice or recommendations that the YAC makes to NCD.

Section 7. Term Year: The term year of the YAC shall be the same as that of the fiscal year for NCD (October 1 through September 30).

Section 8. General Communication and Official Statements:

  1. The designated NCD Staff (DFO) and NCD Council/Board Liaisons to the YAC will provide guidance to the YAC as a unit and, as appropriate, to individual members.

  2. Questions about operational procedures of the YAC or its internal discussions should be respectfully referred to the NCD Staff (DFO) and NCD Council/Board Liaisons and chair.

  3. Statements in the name of the YAC shall be made by the Chair, or in his/her absence by the Vice-Chair or designee. The Chair will speak, write and act on behalf of the YAC on issues consistent with the functions, objectives and purposes of Section 1 and Section 2.

Section 9. Ethics and Member Responsibilities: The members of the YAC will:

  1. Participate actively in at least one internal workgroup to carry out tasks based on NCD projects or priorities annually.

  2. Be sensitive to the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families.

  3. Be aware of the role and goals of the YAC to ensure consistency with NCD's mission and goals.

  4. Be regular in attendance at and participation in meetings.

  5. Participate actively in the work that NCD requires of the YAC.

  6. Respect other members' viewpoints, opinions, values, and professional standards. This includes keeping the lines of communication open, relating to one another in a courteous, professional manner regarding NCD business matters, as well as setting and maintaining boundaries between official business and social or informal environments.

  7. Support the leadership of the YAC.

  8. Make official statements on behalf of the YAC only when authorized by the YAC to do so (see Section 8, Paragraph C.) Such official statements may be made only after the official Committee position is formulated consistent with NCD positions.

  9. In public conversation and in written communication, state clearly whether speaking as individuals or on behalf of the YAC. If the YAC has not formulated a position on a matter, the member has an obligation to make this known before speaking as an individual regarding the matter.

  10. Refrain from using YAC membership as a basis for obtaining personal benefit or privilege.

Section 10. Other Procedures: Consistent with these By-Laws, the Advisory Committee may establish other procedures to guide its operations.

Section 11. Parliamentary Authority: Unless other procedures are established by the YAC at the commencing of a meeting, Robert's Rules of Order Revised (Rules), will govern the conduct of business at all meetings. These Rules are applicable unless in conflict with these By-Laws.

Section 12. Amendments: Any proposed amendment to these By-Laws shall be consistent with the content of the YAC's charter. Any member of the YAC may propose and will present to the Chair an amendment in accessible format. The Chair will notify the members of the YAC of the proposed amendment at least thirty calendar days prior to the public meeting at which it is to be voted upon. A two-thirds vote of those members present is required for ratification. An amendment shall become effective upon ratification of NCD (See Section 13).

Section 13. Ratification: The By-Laws of all NCD advisory committees will be ratified by NCD.

I, the undersigned, certify that the above is a complete and accurate copy of the By-Laws as approved by these members of the National Council On Disability Youth Advisory Committee on October 15, 2003 and edited on March 8, 2004:

Isaac Huff, Chair and Rebecca Hare, Vice – Chair

Youth Advisory Committee Members

Jeremy Block - Postsecondary Advocate
Sam Bynum - Postsecondary Advocate
Zachary Damon - High School Student Advocate
Stephanie Enyart - Postsecondary Advocate
Alexandria A. Fearn, Student/Advocate
Rebecca Hare, Student/Advocate
Renaldo Hemphill, Student/Advocate
Issac Huff, Student/Advocate
Denna Lambert, Student/Advocate
Amy Litzinger - High School Student Advocate
Miranda Pelikan - Postsecondary Advocate
Johnathan Perelman - Postsecondary Advocate
Marco Rodriguez, NCD Member and Liaison to Youth Advisory

Youth Advisory Committee Meetings

2004 Meetings
July 23, 2004

2003 Meetings
August 20, 2003
February 5, 2003

2002 Meetings
December 12, 2002
October 23, 2002
June 13, 2002
April 10, 2002
February 27, 2002

2001 Meetings
August 6, 2001
March 14, 2001

2000 Meetings
November 15, 2000

Youth Advisory Committee Minutes

2004 Minutes
April 30, 2004
January 23, 2004

2003 Minutes
October 27, 2003
March 21, 2003
January 24, 2003

2002 Minutes
October 23, 2002
September 18, 2002
July 24, 2002
June 13, 2002
April 10, 2002
February 27, 2002

2001 Minutes
August 6, 2001
March 14, 2001

2000 Minutes
November 15, 2000
July 25, 2000

Youth Advisory Committee Reports and Documents

How do students with disabilities pay for college? (April 24, 2003)

Youth Advisory Committee Perspectives on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Youth with Disabilities and Others Respond (November 20, 2002)

Youth Advisory Committee Quarterly Reports, Fiscal Year 2002 (November 2002)

Responding to the Challenge of Empowerment, Remarks to the National Coalition for Students with Disabilities, by Eric M. Peebles (July 25, 2002)

What Works For Youth: Programs That Achieve Results (May 16, 2002)

We Want to Hear From You! (May 16, 2002)

Speak Out: Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities (November 2001)

Youth Advisory Committee Resources

Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government for Kids

Youth Advisory Committee Designated Federal Official

Gerrie Drake Hawkins, Ph.D.
Program Analyst
National Council on Disability
202-272-2074 TTY
202-272-2022 fax



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