Rio Grande
Ecological Services Field Office

Station Facts

  • Established: 1990.
  • FY00 budget: $1,008,000.
  • Number of staff: 13.

Fernando Núñez-Garcia
Field Supervisor
Rio Grande Field Office
P.O. Box 1600
Rio Grande, PR 00754

Phone: 787/887-8769
Fax: 787/887-7512

Fact Sheet

Puerto Rican Parrot Information

Station Goals

  • Coordinate management and research/recovery efforts for the endangered Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata), one of the 10 most endangered birds in the world and the only native parrot in the U.S. territory.

  • Promote the conservation of habitat for the Puerto Rican parrot, other endangered, native and migratory bird species.

  • Promote international technology interchange to assist other island nations in the Caribbean in the management of their natural resources.

Services Provided to

  • Private individuals.
  • Federal agencies and local government and non-government organizations.
  • Public schools and municipal governments.

Activity Highlights
  • After the devastation of the Puerto Rican parrot by hurricane Hugo in 1989, major tasks included the restoration of nest cavities and field infrastructure in the Caribbean National forests.

  • Coordinated interagency recovery efforts and developed strategies to deal with predators, competitors, nest guarding techniques and survey methodology.

  • Designed and coordinated research projects to develop and refine techniques for the re-introduction of captive-raised parrots into the wild.

  • Promoted international technology interchange with neighboring Caribbean nations including the training of biologists and technicians from different countries and conducting workshops on the techniques used in Puerto Rican parrot recovery.

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Puerto Rico, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Offices