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Chattanooga CFC Campaign Kicks Off September 16

September 13 , 2002

The Tennessee Valley Authority and other federal agencies in the Chattanooga area will kick off the 2002 Greater Chattanooga Area Combined Federal Campaign on Monday, September 16, with a goal of raising $1.5 million for local and national charitable agencies.

In conjunction with this year’s CFC theme—Be a Hero—Chattanooga Police Chief Jimmie Dotson will be the keynote speaker at the 7:30 a.m. kickoff breakfast in Exhibit Hall C of the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Convention and Trade Center. The musical group Transformed will provide patriotic entertainment for the CFC celebration. Approximately 300 officials and campaign workers representing more than 50 area federal agencies are expected to attend the event.

From 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on September 16, all federal workers in the Chattanooga area are invited to attend a fair in Exhibit Hall B of the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Convention and Trade Center where agencies benefited by CFC will have exhibits and booths showcasing the services they provide. The fair is designed to provide information that can help federal employees determine which charitable, health, and human services organizations they would like to contribute to in 20 counties covering Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama.

Federal employees also learned about the various agencies earlier during the annual CFC Day of Caring held August 23. Approximately 400 federal employees volunteered during the annual Day of Caring, marking the first Unity in the Spirit of America (USA) initiative in the city. Signed into law by President Bush earlier this year, the USA initiative is a volunteer program created to help Americans remember those lost on September 11. For the Day of Caring, employees provided hands-on assistance – such as painting, cleaning, and landscaping – to 32 local agencies that receive contributions from the CFC.

Chattanooga-area federal employees were honored earlier this year in a ceremony at the White House for having the highest average CFC gift of $309 per person for 2001 campaigns raising $1 million to $2 million worldwide. The 2001 Greater Chattanooga Area CFC resulted in gifts of more than $1,488,796 to charitable and service organizations — a 10.3 percent increase over the campaign goal.

View detailed information on the CFC and the 2002 campaign.

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Media Contact:

Kay Whittenburg, Chattanooga (423-751-7152) or TVA News Bureau, Knoxville (865-632-6000)

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