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TVA Releases Reservoir Operations Study Scoping Document

September 13 , 2002

In response to extensive public comment, TVA will evaluate a range of options for changes in the way it operates the integrated Tennessee River system. The 30-page scoping document outlining the range of options is available for public review.

Comments received during the first, or “scoping.” phase of the Reservoir Operations Study were considered in developing the range of options. Comments came from people who attended 21 community workshops across the Tennessee Valley, as well as people who wrote, phoned, or e-mailed TVA or signed petitions. Input also came from representatives of state and federal agencies.

The Reservoir Operations Study is evaluating how TVA operates the integrated Tennessee River system to see if changes in operating policies would provide greater overall value to the public. TVA operates the system to provide multiple benefits, including navigation; flood control; low-cost, reliable electricity; water quality and water supply; sustainable economic development; and recreation.

During the first phase of the study, people were asked to identify what they value about the Tennessee River system. About 1,300 people participated in the community workshops. Through the workshops, letters, phone calls. and e-mails, TVA received about 6,000 individual comments, form letters from about 4,200 people. and petitions signed by more than 5,400 people.

During the workshops, 34 percent of those who commented said recreation should be TVA’s top priority, followed by protecting the natural environment (21 percent), flood control (21 percent), electricity production (11 percent), water supply (9 percent), and commercial navigation (3 percent).

In a phone survey, 32 percent of the respondents said protecting the environment should be TVA’s first priority, followed by power production (28 percent), water supply (17 percent), flood control (13 percent), recreation (5 percent), and commercial navigation (3 percent).

The study is being conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and will include extensive technical analysis to evaluate options identified during the scoping process.

Results of the evaluations will be used to identify a preferred operating policy alternative to be included in the study’s draft Environmental Impact Statement. For a copy of the scoping report, go to the Reservoir Operations Study page, or call toll-free 888-882-7675.


Media Contact:

Barbara Martocci, Knoxville (865-632-8632) or TVA News Bureau, Knoxville (865-632-6000)

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