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TVA to Postpone Lowering of Clear Creek Reservoir

October 24, 2002

BRISTOL, Va. — TVA will postpone lowering the water level of Clear Creek Reservoir, which was scheduled to begin November 4, in order to minimize the stress on aquatic life. The scheduled maintenance on the intake can be delayed without affecting the safe operation of the reservoir.

The drawdown of the reservoir to an elevation of 1,915 feet above sea level, approximately 15 feet below the normal pool level, is being postponed as a result of concerns about the potential impact on aquatic life in Clear Creek Reservoir. TVA is working with Virginia Fish and Game to develop a plan to ensure that the drawdown minimizes the impact on the aquatic environment of Clear Creek.

TVA is the nation’s largest public power producer, and its power system is self-financed. It provides power to large industries and 158 power distributors that serve 8.3 million consumers in seven southeastern states.

Media Contact:

Michelle Chang, Knoxville (865-632-8108) or TVA News Bureau, Knoxville (865-632-6000)

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