National Credit Union Administration

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Consumer Complaint

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the regulator and primary enforcement authority for federal credit unions. While NCUA does not arbitrate member complaints, the following information may be able to help if you have a complaint.

Please choose one of the following options:

My complaint concerns a federal credit union (a credit union with the word "federal" contained in its name or any credit union in Delaware, South Dakota, Wyoming or Washington, DC) -- NCUA is the regulator.

My complaint concerns a state-chartered credit union (a credit union without the word "federal" as part of its name and not located in Delaware, South Dakota, Wyoming or Washington, DC) -- The state supervisory authority where the credit union's main branch is located will usually be the regulator.

• I'm not certain whether my complaint concerns a federal credit union or a state-chartered credit union. Use the Find a Credit Union (link) to search by name and look up the credit union's charter number. Federal credit unions have charter numbers under 60000, state-chartered credit unions have charter numbers greater than 60000.

My complaint concerns a federal savings and loan (S&L) or a federally-chartered savings bank (F.S.B.) -- Office of Thrift Supervision is the regulator.

My complaint concerns a national bank (a bank with a name containing the word "national" or the initials "N.A.") -- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is the regulator.

My complaint concerns a state bank reporting to the Federal Reserve Board (the easiest way to determine this is to call your bank and ask for the name of its regulator) -- Federal Reserve Board is the regulator.

My complaint concerns a state bank not reporting to the Federal Reserve Board -- FDIC is the regulator.

My complaint concerns a credit reporting agency or lender other than a credit union, bank or savings and loan -- Federal Trade Commission is the regualtor.