EHR > ESIE > Teacher
Professional Continuum
Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC)
2004 Deadlines:
Preliminary proposals due May 25, Full proposals due September 10
The Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC) program is the National
Science Foundation's major programming effort supporting the full
continuum of professional development from recruitment, preparation,
and induction, through the life-long development and retention of
K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers.
A major focus of TPC is the synthesis and further advancement of
a compelling body of research that will both inform and strengthen
STEM teacher effectiveness and classroom instruction.
TPC Evaluation Website -
a series of workshops on evaluation were held last year specifically
for the 2003 TPC Solicitation (NSF 03-534). Although evaluation
requirements for the TPC program have changed, the materials from
the 2003 Evaluation Workshops may have relevance to TPC Category
B (Resources for Professional Development) in the current Solicitation
(NSF 04-568).