Research Activities

July/August 1999, No. 228


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Women who have angina and report more physical symptoms are at increased risk for coronary artery disease


Heart Disease

   Experts agree about some, but not all, indications for coronary angiography following heart attack
   People over 80 are at much higher risk of death following coronary angioplasty than younger patients

Primary Care
   Physician preference plays a large role in scheduling patient return visits
   Primary care physicians spend an average of 16 minutes per visit with their adult patients

Clinical Decisionmaking
   Some patients with deep venous thrombosis can be treated safely at home
   Skill in communicating with patients is particularly important for surgeons

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research
   Depression PORT publishes latest findings

Managed Care
   Patients in managed care plans want primary care physicians to be coordinators, not gatekeepers
   Market forces affect pharmacy bargaining power with health insurers
   Managed care research has come of age

Long-Term Care
   Traditional community-based nursing homes are offering more rehabilitation services to residents

Rural Health
   Unique challenges face those trying to improve health care quality in rural areas

Smoking Cessation
   Sociocultural factors may influence smoking behavior among deaf adults

   AHCPR awards 10 large grants in areas of emphasis
   Grant final reports now available from NTIS
   Celebrating the launch of Healthy People 2010

Research Briefs
   Psychometric properties of a Chinese translation of the SF-36 health survey questionnaire in the well elderly study
   Public information and private search: Evaluating the Patient Self-Determination Act
   Using antecedents of medical care to develop valid quality of care measures
   Dental services: Use, expenditures, and sources of payment

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