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Have you ever left the doctor's office and thought of a dozen questions you meant to ask? We all do that!

This checklist of questions can help you make the most of your next visit to the eye doctor.

When you call to make an appointment:

  • Be prepared to describe any vision problems you are having.
  • Ask if you will be able to drive yourself home. Will the eye examination affect your vision temporarily?
  • Ask how much the exam will cost. Do any of your health insurance plans cover any of the cost? How is payment handled?

Before you go in for your examination

Make a list of the following:

  • Signs or symptoms of eye problems you have noticed (flashes of light, difficulty seeing at night, temporary double vision, loss of vision, etc.)
  • Eye injuries or eye surgery you have had (approximate dates, hospitals where treated, etc.)
  • Prescription and over-the-counter drugs you are taking.
  • Questions you have about your vision.
  • Your general health condition (allergies, chronic health problems, operations, etc.)
  • Family history of eye problems (glaucoma, cataracts, etc.)
Take along the following:
  • Your glasses, contact lenses or both.
  • Prescription and over-the-counter drugs you are taking.
  • Medical or health insurance card or your membership certificate.

During the examination

  • Ask questions about anything that seems unclear to you, such as the names and purposes of tests you may undergo.
  • Ask if there are any changes since your last exam.
  • Ask when it is best to call the doctor with questions.
  • Find out when you should return for your next exam.

To learn more about low vision, contact Prevent Blindness America or the Prevent Blindness affiliate
near you.

For a free copy of
Prevent Blindness
America's Checklist
for Your Eye
Doctor Appointment,
call 1-800-331-2020
or contact us online.

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grassroots advocate
for eye health
and safety!

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