Contact:  Brian Walsh                                                                     July 22, 2004
Office:    202-225-6265
Cell:        202-225-8893


House Overwhelmingly Passes Ney Resolution Opposing

Postponement of National Elections


WASHINGTON D.C. – The House of Representatives today overwhelmingly passed a resolution (H. Res. 728) sponsored by Congressman Bob Ney, that expressed the sense of the House that our national elections will never be postponed in the face of terrorist threats or attacks, nor will any individual or agency be given the authority to postpone the date of a Presidential election.  In a strong, bipartisan vote Congressman Ney’s resolution passed by a vote of 419 to 2.

“While the Civil War was raging, President Abraham Lincoln said ‘We can not have free government without elections; and if the rebellion could force us to forego, or postpone a national election it might fairly claim to have already conquered and ruined us.’  I could not agree more with that statement,” Congressman Ney said.  “The House of Representatives today spoke with one, strong voice in stating emphatically that terrorist threats or terrorist attacks will not affect the functioning of our democracy and the process of our elections.  The ability of the United States to conduct regularly scheduled federal elections even during the most difficult and trying of times, such as during the Civil War and during World Wars I and II, is a hallmark of the strength and resiliency of our democracy.  In light of recent stories that some might be looking into if or how our elections could be postponed, my colleagues and I felt it was important to endsuch talk immediately.  No person and no federal agency will ever be given the power to postpone our elections, and no terrorist will affect our elections.  I am very grateful my House colleagues joined me in sending this important message today.”

Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert had expressed his support for Congressman Ney’s resolution, stating, “This resolution will send a message around our Nation and around the world that the United States will not be bullied by terrorism.  The will and confidence of the American people remains strong and undeterred, and on November 2nd we will once again show the world why the United States is the world’s strongest and greatest democracy.”