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farm income data

Estimates of farm sector income with component accounts: for the United States, 1910-2004; and for States, 1910-2003.

Estimates are presented of the farm sector's income generated by employment of the sector's resource base in production activities and its contribution as a key component sector of the national economy for 1910 to the present. The natural farm income account is disaggregated into component accounts to provide insight into the financial performance of the diverse production activities, participants, and geographic regions of the country. Economic trends can be determined and analyzed using data related to production and marketing of commodities, expenditures for types of inputs, income for States, income by size of farm, and the role of government in supporting the sector. A complete set of estimates is provided for each State.

The historical estimates are conceptually the same as the farm income forecast and thus provide a lengthy time series for analysis of the sector's current financial health, trends, and outllook.

directory of data files
There are well over a thousand tables but the major categories are value-added (farm income), cash receipts, rankings for commodities and States, production expenses, cash income, government payments, and income statements by size of farm.

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type of data and component software
All data are made available in Lotus 123 wk1 spreadsheets, which may be opened for immediate manipulation and presentation in virtually any version of all types of spreadsheet software.

Lotus 123 wk1 spreadsheets

Generally less than 100 kb; many less than 50 kb

release date
Annually in early September

instructions/helpful hints
Each spreadsheet may be downloaded to the client's personal computer, opened in virtually any version of every type of spreadsheet software and be processed using the full range of spreadsheet functions. Many browsers permit users to specify a brand of spreadsheet software to be opened when the user clicks on a link to a file with a specific extension. The contents of the file will then be quickly displayed on the monitor for the user's perusal and processing. Spreadsheet software other than Lotus may be designated to be opened and to display the wk1 speadsheet. If you need assistance, contact Roger Strickland.

Check the glossary for explanations of the economic concepts used throughout farm income and costs data.

questions and answers
Q. Why are the ERS income estimates referred to as farm sector accounts?

A. The farm income accounts measure the earnings from all production activities in the farm sector as defined by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) for national income accounting.

Q. Are the ERS income estimates comparable to income reported by farmers to the Internal Revenue Service?

A. No. The conceptual framework underlying the ERS value-added accounts through which farm income is estimated is consistent with the BEA's national income accounting. Also, data are not available to duplicate taxable income accounting because of confidentiality requirements associated with tax filings.



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page updated: August 25, 2004


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