USGS, Earthquake Hazards Program - National Seismic Hazard Mapping (Link to USGS home page.)
National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project

Hazard Mapping Home Page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Featured Pages

Interactive Maps, 1996

Conteminous US, Gridded Data Values, modified Oct 29, 2003

Quaternary Fault and Fold Database, 2003


On this page you may select a return time, SA frequency, specify a latitude and longitude and request seismograms. Links to the following information will be returned:

  • A plot of deaggregated distance, magnitude and ground-motion uncertainty for the specified parameters (gif, pdf, ps).
  • An ascii text file of the hazard matrices, containing, but not limited to, the frequency selected.
  • A geographic deaggregation plot may also be specified (for designated frequencies only - see below). This is in addition to the plot mentioned above.
  • An ascii text file and graph of the seismograms for the modal or mean event (if requested).

Info: README is a page containing information on how the deaggregation is done and about the input parameters to the program. It will increase your likelihood of success with this site if you read it first. Stochastic Seismograms and What is Epsilon? are articles which discuss the theory behind the seismograms.

Info:On some browsers you have to click on a pre-selected item in a list to deselect it. If you select an item without doing this you will have two items on the list selected and you will get a broken icon instead of a plot!

Used for plot labeling purposes only
underscore (_), comma (,) and alphanumeric characters only,
no blanks (they will be replaced with an underscore),
name length <= 16 characters.
Select location of interest in latitude/longitude:
Specify in decimal degrees, use "-" to specify western longitudes.
Conterminous US: latitude 25 to 49 degrees, longitude -125 to -65 degrees, only.
Alaska: latitude 51 to 71 degrees, longitude -171 to -130 degrees, only.
Hawaii: latitude 18 to 23 degrees, longitude -161 to -154 degrees, only.
Return time:
PE = probability of exceedance
Select one!

SA = Spectral Acceleration;
PGA = peak ground acceleration.
0.5hz, 2.0hz and 10hz are not available for Hawaii.
Geographic Deaggregation:
This is only available for the following SA frequencies: pga, 1.0 hz, 3.33 hz and 5.0 hz.
Do you want seismograms for the Modal or Mean event?
It may take several minutes to generate the plot(s) and do file conversions
!!! BE PATIENT !!!

These maps are generated using THE GENERIC MAPPING TOOLS (GMT) by Paul Wessel, University of Hawaii, and Walter H. F. Smith, NOAA. GMT is public domain and is distributed free. Additional information is available at

PROJECT INFO: Home Page | Frequently Asked Questions | Info for the Layman | Current Earthquake Info | What's New | Home Page Graphics | Personnel | Mailing List
HAZARD MAPS: Published Maps, 1996 | Conterminous US, 1996 | Conterminous US, 2002 | California/Nevada, 1996 | Western US, 2002 | Central/Eastern US, 1996 | Central/Eastern US, 2002 | Hawaii, 2000 | Alaska, 1999 | Custom Mapping, 1996 | Additional Maps, 1996 | GIS data, 1996 | Map Orders, 1996 | Interactive Maps, 1996
SEISMIC HAZARD: Conterminous US, Gridded Values, 1996 | Conterminous US, Gridded Values, 2003 | Hazard by Zip Code, 1996 | Hazard Curve files, 2002 | Hazard by Lat/Lon, 1996 | Hazard by Lat/Lon, 2002 | Deaggregations, 1996 | Interactive Deaggregation, 1996 | Interactive Deaggregation, 2002 | Uncertainties, 1996
MAP INFO: Documentation, 1996 Documentation, 2002 | Catalogs, 1996 | Seismicity Rates, 1996 | Fault Parameters, 1996 | Fault Parameters, 2002 | Quaternary Fault and Fold Database, 2003 | Hazard Software, 1996
DESIGN MAPS: NEHRP Maps, 1997, 2000 | IBC Maps, 2000, 2003 | IRC Maps, 2000, 2003 | Design Values, 1997
GENERAL: Anonymous FTP, 1996 | Anonymous FTP, 2002 | Publications | Publication Orders | Software, PRE-1996 | Damage Photos | Related Links
RELATED SITES: National Earthquake Information Center | Geologic Hazards | | Ground Motion | Multi-Hazard Mapping Initiative

U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior
E-mail: Web_Contacts
Last Modified: Thursday, April 8, 2004 14:01
Maintained by: Nancy Dickman, Stan Hanson
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