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MER team rejoices at the news that mission control received its first signal from Spirit
Members of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission's Entry, Descent and Landing team rejoice at the news that mission control received its first signal from Spirit, indicating the rover's safe arrival at Gusev Crater on Mars.
Several hundred people make the Mars Exploration Rover Mission possible. Below is a list of the project management only.

View more pictures on our Team Photos page.

Find out about the careers and interests of team members from all Mars missions at the Mars Exploration Program People section.

Read about some of the experiences of the team member in the Mars Journals.

2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission Project Team Management

Jim Erickson Project Manager
Joy Crisp Project Scientist
Albert Haldemann Deputy Project Scientist
Mark Boyles Mission Operations Assurance Manager
Matt Wallace Opportunity Mission Manager
Jan Chodas Flight Software Manager
Mark Adler Spirit Mission Manager
Rob Manning Entry, Descent and Landing Development Manager
Steven Squyres Athena Science Payload Principal Investigator
Ray Arvidson Deputy Athena Science Payload Principal Investigator
John Callas Science Manager
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