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Project Summary

Ballona Wetland Environmental Restoration

Regional Map

1. Project ID
  • Name
Ballona Wetland Environmental Restoration
  • Region
  • State
  • Location
Los Angeles County
  • Date of this update
October 27, 1999
Habitat Restoration/Protection  
 Wetlands X
 River systems  X
 Beaches/Dunes  X
 Offshore areas
Assisting Species at Risk X
Pollution Mitigation
 Non-Point Source Pollution
Other (describe)  

3. Project description (100 words or less)

The Ballona Wetland Environmental Restoration project is to install a tidegate(s) or other feasible structure(s) in the Ballona Creek Flood Control Channel (BCFCC) to: (1) increase the overall tidal prism of the open water column; (2) enhance the structure, diversity, function and quality of the saltmarsh habitat; (3) provide additional foraging, nesting and resting opportunities for wildlife indigenous to the saltmarsh community; and (4) minimize further decertification/degradation of the saltmarsh ecosystem.

By installing the tidegate(s), the breached channel will permit additional salt water to circulate throughout Ballona Wetland. Increased flows will improve the overall low water quality condition in Ballona Wetland, by providing an increase in water circulation and flushing patterns, a decrease in resident time, an increase in the salinity regime, a decrease in temperatures, an increase in dissolved oxygen levels, and a decrease in nutrient levels. These water quality benefits will provide additional habitat opportunities for the marine system and associated algal, invertebrate, and fish communities. As more salt water in permitted to inundate the wetland, the benthic community structure will further develop. The development of the benthic community will provide an increase in food supply for fish, shorebirds and especially wading birds. As the fishery (spawning and nursery) community develops, additional prey will be available for waterfowl and wading birds.

4. Goals/Benefits (quantify where possible using measures of success list) Was a cost-benefit study conducted for this project? yes/no If yes, provide a summary of findings.

Cost Benefit Analysis. Depending on the recommended alternative, the potential range of habitat unit benefits will vary between 3 (6 acres) and 6 (12 acres). The total cost estimate for this project is approximately 1 million dollars. Although Ballona Wetland has lost a significant portion of its wetlands that once existed, it remains functional and extremely important to the local (metropolitan area of Los Angeles) and regional area. Ballona Wetlands provides the largest area of this habitat type in Los Angles County. Ballona Wetland is one of the few remnant functional systems existing in an urban setting in southern California and is a Special Interest Biological Area..

5. Partners (include each participant's responsibilities - funding, permitting, etc.)

Federal Lead - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army
Non Federal: State government - State of California
Local government - City of LA
Private industry - N/A
Public interest groups - N/A
Educational Facility - N/A

6. Funding/Contributions (organization and amount)

	  Cash	Federal - $10,000
			Non Federal 	State government
					Local government
					Private industry
					Public interest groups

	  In-Kind Services (hours, equipment, or other forms of assistance and estimated dollar 	value)
	  Volunteers (number of people and hours, and estimated dollar value)

7. Legislative authorities used by each participant

8. Value added by Coastal America Partnership including Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals achieved through this collaboration (500 words or less)

9. Project Status


  • Project Manager
Russell L. Kaiser Environmental Restoration Program Coordinator South Pacific Division Los Angeles District
  • Others

11. Any additional information/comments