Wild and Scenic Rivers Logo Page TitlePage Title
Designated Rivers
River Information
River, Trails and Conservation Assistance
Wild and Scenic Rivers Council
Study Rivers
About Wild and Scenic Rivers
Agency Guidelines
Complete Site Index
River Management Agencies
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Nationwide Rivers Inventory
Welcome to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. If this is your first visit, we hope that you'll learn a few things. If you've been here before, we hope there's something new.
  • The WSR Council has updated several Questions and Answers to wild and scenic rivers, mostly dealing with navigability. (317 KB PDF)


  • Occasionally folks are having problems reading the Water Paper PDF. If you get the message Error Reading Linearized Hint Data, try the instructions on this page.

Featured River: The anniversary of Lewis and Clark's exploration of the West is coming up. Are you planning to visit any of the historic sites? The Upper Missouri River was a major portion of their travels.

As always, we welcome your comments, ideas and suggestions for this site. Please send them to Dan Haas at daniel_haas@fws.gov.
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  • This web site uses pop-up windows -- no advertising.
  • Last Updated:Wednesday, 08-Sep-04 19:00:47