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Alaskan Region
Regional Counsel's Office

     The Regional Counsel’s Office acts as legal counsel for matters in the Alaskan Region.  As part of the FAA’s Chief Counsel’s organization, the office represents the FAA in regulatory enforcement actions, contract disputes, and personnel matters.  The Regional Counsel and staff attorneys also provide legal advice to all operating lines of business, including staff offices, on a wide range of issues.  These include environmental concerns, government contracts, real estate acquisitions, ethics, access to government records, operational and maintenance rules, airspace designations, and investigations.  The office also provides the Freedom of Information Act coordinator for the Alaskan Region.


Aviation Safety
NTSB Opinions & Orders
Federal Aviation Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations
Federal Register

Library of Congress
DOT Library
United States Code

How do I...
Request: An Interpretation of a Regulaton
Request: a FOIA
Contact us

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  Federal Aviation Administration
222 W. 7th. Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska
General Information and Employee Locator: 907-271-5269

Help Desk Contact (907) 271-5190
POC Webmaster at lou.jenks@faa.gov
Last Updated:  Monday, December 03, 2001