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Calcium Supplements

Calcium is essential for many body functions, including regulation of the heartbeat, conduction of nerve impulses, stimulation of hormone secretions and clotting of blood, as well as for building and maintaining a healthy skeleton.

Calcium is a mineral found in many foods and adequate calcium intake is important because the human body cannot produce calcium. Even after reaching full skeletal growth, adequate calcium intake is important because the body loses calcium every day through shed skin, nails, hair, and sweat as well as through urine and feces. This lost calcium must be replaced daily through the diet. When the diet does not contain enough calcium to perform these activities, calcium is taken from the bones, the storage area for calcium.

The National Academy of Sciences and the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommend daily calcium intakes of 1000-1200 mg/day for adult men and women. According to experts, food is the best source of calcium; however, most Americans do not have enough calcium in their diets. Fortunately, calcium-fortified foods and calcium supplements can fill the gap, ensuring that the daily calcium requirement is met. The amount needed from a supplement depends on how much calcium is consumed from food sources.

Calcium exists in nature only in combination with other substances called compounds. Several different calcium compounds are used in supplements, including calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and calcium citrate. These compounds contain different amounts of elemental calcium, which is the actual amount of calcium in the supplement. It is important to read the label carefully to determine how much elemental calcium is in the supplement and how many doses or pills to take.

Calcium supplements are available without a prescription in a wide range of preparations and strengths, which can make selecting one a confusing experience. Many people ask which calcium supplement they should take; the "best" supplement is the one that meets an individual’s needs based on tolerance, convenience, cost and availability. In choosing a calcium supplement, the following are important considerations:


Choose calcium supplements that are known brand names with proven reliability. Look for labels that state "purified" or have the USP (United States Pharmacopeia) symbol. Since applying for the USP symbol is voluntary, however, many fine products may not display this symbol. Avoid calcium from unrefined oyster shell, bone meal or dolomite without the USP, as these historically have contained higher lead levels or other toxic metals.


Most brand name calcium products are absorbed easily in the body. If the product information does not state that it is absorbable, how well a tablet dissolves can be determined by placing it in a small amount of warm water for 30 minutes, stirring it occasionally. If it hasn’t dissolved within this time it probably will not dissolve in the stomach. Chewable and liquid calcium supplements dissolve well because they are broken down before they enter the stomach.

Calcium, whether from the diet or supplements, is absorbed best by the body when it is taken several times a day in amounts of 500 mg or less, but taking it all at once is better than not taking it at all. Calcium carbonate is absorbed best when taken with food. Calcium citrate can be taken any time.


While calcium supplements generally are a satisfactory option for many people, certain preparations may cause side effects, such as gas or constipation, in some individuals. If simple measures such as increased fluids and fiber intake do not solve the problem, another form of calcium should be tried. Also, it is important to increase supplement intake gradually; take 500 mg a day for a week, then add more calcium slowly.

Calcium Interactions

It is important to talk with a physician or pharmacist about possible interactions between prescription or over-the-counter medications and calcium supplements. For example, calcium supplements also may reduce the absorption of the antibiotic tetracycline. Calcium also interferes with iron absorption, so a calcium supplement should not be taken at the same time as an iron supplement. The exception to this is when the iron supplement is taken with vitamin C or calcium citrate. Any medication to be taken on an empty stomach should not be taken with calcium supplements.

Combination Products

Calcium supplements are available in a dazzling array of combinations with vitamins and other minerals. While vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium, it is not necessary that it be in the calcium supplement (see winter 1998 issue of Osteoporosis Report for information on vitamin D). Minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus also are important, but usually are obtained through food or multivitamins. Most experts recommend that nutrients come from a balanced diet, with multivitamins used to supplement dietary deficiencies.

Most published studies show that low calcium intake is associated with low bone mass, rapid bone loss and high fracture rates. Adequate calcium intake will help ensure that calcium deficiency is not contributing to a weakening of the skeleton; however, this is only one of the steps necessary for bone health. A high calcium intake will not protect a person against bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol abuse or various medical disorders or treatments.

This Strategy for Osteoporosis appeared in the Spring 1999 Issue of NOF's Quarterly Member Newsletter, Osteoporosis Report. NOF thanks Murray J. Favus, M.D., University of Chicago, for his assistance in reviewing this article.

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