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Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census
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September 22, 2004, Identity Theft
Sep 22 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing entitled - “Identity Theft: The Causes, Costs, Consequences, and Potential Solutions.” Today, the Subcommittee conducts its eleven...  More

September 14, 2004- Overseas Census Test
Sep 14 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on the “Lessons Learned from the 2004 Overseas Census Test.” We are here today to examine the results of the test and to review the ...  More

September 8, 2004- Project SAFECOM
Sep 8 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on “Project SAFECOM: More time. More money. More communication? What progress have we made in achieving interoperable communication b...  More

July 21, 2004 Federal Agency Chief Information Officers
Jul 21 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on “The Role, Responsibility, and Challenge for Federal Chief Information Officers in IT Investment Oversight and Information Managem...  More

July 20, 2004 Electronic Voting Machine Technology
Jul 20 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good morning and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on “The Science of Voting Machine Technology: Accuracy, Reliability and Security.” An estimated 50 million registered voters, repre...  More

July 14, 2004- Health Informatics
Jul 14 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on “Health Informatics: What is the prescription for success in intergovernmental information sharing and emergency response?” T...  More

July 13, 2004- Information Sharing Capabilities
Jul 13 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on " Facilitating an Enhanced Information-Sharing Network That Links Law Enforcement and Homeland Security for Federal, State and Loc...  More

July 7, 2004- Federal Information Technology Research and Development
Jul 7 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on “Defining Federal Information Technology Research and Development: Who? Where? What? Why? and How Much?” The purpose of this hea...  More

June 23, 2004- Geospatial Information
Jun 23 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on “Geospatial Information: Are we really headed in the right direction or are we lost?” This oversight hearing is a follow up to ...  More

June 16, 2004- Home and Small Business Cybersecurity
Jun 16 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- I want to welcome you all today to this oversight hearing on "Locking Your Cyber Front Door – The Challenges Facing Home Users and Small Businesses.” In the past few years, the growth in a...  More

June 9, 2004- IT Research and Development

June 2, 2004- Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
Jun 2 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing entitled - “Who Might be Lurking at Your Cyber Front Door? Is Your System Really Secure?” Today we continue our in-depth review of c...  More

May 19, 2004- Federal Enterprise Architecture
May 19 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on the “Federal Enterprise Architecture: A Blueprint for Improved Federal IT Investment & Cross-Agency Collaboration and Information ...  More

May 12, 2004- Electronic Voting Technology
May 12 -   More

April 21, 2004- Cybersecurity Education
Apr 21 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- I want to welcome you all today to this hearing on "Protecting Our Nation’s Cyber Space: Educational Awareness for the Cyber Citizen.” In the past few years, the growth in access and use of th...  More

March 30, 2004- Telecommunications and SCADA
Mar 30 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement: I want to welcome you all today to this hearing on "Telecommunications and SCADA: Secure Links or Open Portals into the Security of the Nation’s Critical Infrastructure.” Clearly the issue o...  More

March 24, 2004- E-Gov Progress Report
Mar 24 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- Good afternoon and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearing on “Electronic Government: A Progress Report on the Successes and Challenges of Government-wide Information Technology Solutions.” Du...  More

March 16, 2004- Information Security in the Federal Government
Mar 16 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- This is the first oversight hearing conducted by this Subcommittee on IT security this year. Last year, we learned much about threats, vulnerabilities, new technologies and new strategies for ...  More

March 15, 2004- Phosphogypsum
Mar 15 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- Good morning and welcome to the Subcommittee’s hearings on phosphogypsum. Today’s hearings are appropriately titled, Should We Just Let It Go To Waste? Currently there are about one billion...  More

March 3, 2004- Federal IT Investment Management
Mar 3 - Chairman Putnam's Opening Statement- Good morning and welcome to the Subcommittee’s kickoff hearing for 2004. Today’s hearing is appropriately titled, “Federal Information Technology Investment Management, Strategic Planning, and...  More

December 15, 2003 Coordinating the Government's Attack on Terrorist Financing
Dec 15, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM One of the most effective ways to prevent future terrorist attacks on Americans and our allies is to disrupt the flow of the funds that finance terrorist organizations. This is a complex chal...  More

2003 Federal Computer Security Report Card
Dec 9, 2003 - STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMPUTER SECURITY REPORT CARD December 9, 2003 For too long now information security has taken a back seat in the collective conscience of our nation. We must come to the stark realization...  More

October 8, 2003 DHS IT Roadmap
Oct 8, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning and welcome to today’s hearing on a very important information technology initiative… the Department of Homeland Security’s Enterprise Architecture. This morning, the Subcommittee...  More

October 1, 2003 SCADA Systems Security
Oct 1, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM I want to welcome you all today to this hearing on “The Security of Industrial Control Systems in Our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure.” This is the 3rd in a series of cyber security hearings ...  More

September 23, 2003 E-Gov at OPM
Sep 23, 2003 - STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN Good morning and welcome to today’s hearing on achieving E-Government efficiencies at the Office of Personnel Management. This hearing is a continuation of the aggressive oversight by thi...  More

September 17, 2003 Common Criteria
Sep 17, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning and welcome to another important hearing on cyber security. Today, the Subcommittee continues its aggressive examination of the information security issues most important to our N...  More

September 10, 2003 Worm and Virus Computer Defense
Sep 10, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning. A quorum being present, this hearing of the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census will come to order. Today we cont...  More

September 9, 2003 Advancements in Smart Card and Biometric Technology
Sep 9, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Securing government buildings and computer systems is a task which has grown in both importance and challenge over the past number of years. Recognizing this, Federal agencies, working with th...  More

July 15, 2003 IT Consolidation
Jul 15, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning and welcome to today’s hearing on federal information systems integration and consolidation across agency boundaries. This hearing is a continuation of the aggressive overs...  More

July 8, 2003 Federal Electronic Records Management
Jul 8, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM In today’s world of emerging technology, Federal agencies are conducting more and more of their business through electronic means. As an example, e-mail has become a primary form of communicat...  More

June 24, 2003 Cyber Security II- Federal Information Security
Jun 24, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning. A quorum being present, this hearing of the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census will come to order. Good morning and welco...  More

June 11, 2003 Mark-Up on Citizen's Guide on using FoIA and Privacy Act of 1974
Jun 11, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Since it was first printed in 1977, the Citizen’s Guide on Using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act has been a best seller. The intentions of the first committee to issue a gui...  More

June 10, 2003 Geospatial Information
Jun 10, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning and welcome to today’s hearing on geospatial systems and improving our nation’s map-related data infrastructure. As many of our witnesses today will likely convey, getting our arm...  More

May 20, 2003 Factual Data Analysis- Part Two
May 20, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM With today’s continued improvements in technology, particularly in the areas of database exploration and information sharing, Federal agencies faced with the monumental task of enhancing nation...  More

May 13, 2003 American Community Survey
May 13, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning. The Census is one of the oldest civic ceremonies of our Nation. The enumeration of our resident population is set-forth in Article I Section 2 of our Constitution. The f...  More

May 6, 2003 Factual Data Analysis- Part One
May 6, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM In an effort to prevent future terrorist attacks and enhance law enforcement efforts, departments and agencies throughout the federal government have begun developing strategies that will assis...  More

April 29, 2003 Federal Grants Management
Apr 29, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM The federal government last year provided state and local governments with grants totaling more than $350 billion, about 15 percent of our federal outlays and 3.5 percent of GDP. This compares...  More

April 8, 2003 Cyber Security
Apr 8, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Virtually every aspect of our lives is in some way, shape or form connected to computers. Networks that stretch from coast to coast, and, in fact, around the world connect these same computers ...  More

March 31, 2003 DoD IT Management
Mar 31, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good afternoon. Let me first say thank you to those here today from the Department of Defense for being here during this challenging period for our Nation. The thoughts and prayers of all o...  More

March 25, 2003 Data Mining
Mar 25, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good morning and welcome to the first in a planned series of hearings addressing the important subject of data mining technology…or “factual data analysis” as some might refer to it. There are...  More

March 13, 2003 E-Gov
Mar 13, 2003 - STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN PUTNAM Good afternoon and welcome to the first hearing of the newly reorganized Subcommittee. I am honored to have been selected by Chairman Tom Davis to serve as chairman. As you know, last Congres...  More

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