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2004 Published and Presented

Ayres, Greg, Wilson, Bruce and Jon LeBlanc. 2004. "Vehicle Movement Identification Method for Analysis of Field Operational Test Data", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-4785.

Barami, Bahar. 2004. "Embedded Technologies to Secure the Supply Chain from End to End", SOLE 2004, Annual Conference of the International Society of Logistics, Norfolk, VA, September 2, 2004.

Barami, Bahar. 2004. "Homeland Security and Intermodal Transportation", Annual Convention of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), Boston, MA, September 10, 2004.

Barami, Bahar. 2004. "Market Trends in Homeland Security (HLS) Technologies", 2004 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Cambridge, MA, April 21-22, 2004.

Barron, William, et al. 2004. District of Columbia Motor Carrier Management and Threat Assessment Study, August 2004. For the District of Columbia Department of Transportation.

Boiney, John, Machek, Elizabeth, and Kristin Lovejoy. 2004. Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program: Annual Report Fiscal Year 2003, FHWA-EP-04-007.

Brecher, Aviva. 2004. Cleanup and Recovery of Passenger Transportation Facilities after a Bio-Attack, Resource paper for the March 30, 2004 Workshop, Cambridge, MA.

Burki-Cohen, Judith, Go, Tiauw, Chung, William, Schroeder, Jeff and Thomas Longridge. 2004. "Airline Pilot Training and Evaluation Continued: An Update on Motion Requirements Research", 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH, April 14-17, 2004.

Cardosi, Kim. 2004. Human Factors Integration Challenges in the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Environment, May 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-04-07, DOT/FAA/AR-04/18.

Carroll, Anya A. 2004. "The Future of Intrusion and Obstacle Detection along High-Speed Rail Corridors with Highway Rail Intersections in the United States", 10th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2004 and International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2004, Orlando, FL, July 22-25, 2004.

Carroll, Anya A. 2004. "Global Perspective on Grade Crossing Safety", FTA's 8th Annual State Safety Oversight Workshop, Boston, MA, September 19-23, 2004.

Carroll, James V. 2004. "Radio-frequency Interference Mitigation Technologies for Aviation Precision Approach Operations", Fourth Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference and Workshop, Fairfax, VA, April 26, 2004.

Chernicoff, William and Alan Rao. 2004. "GP-10 Fuel Cell Locomotive Safety Considerations, Factors, and Analysis Overview", Defense Fuel Cell Locomotive Project Meeting, Arcadia, CA, January 15-16, 2004.

Clark, Kevin L. and Melanie Soares. 2004. FogEye UV Sensor System Performance Characteristics, March 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FAA-04-06.

Dammen, Sarah. 2004. "The Effects of Safety Practices, Technology Adoption, and Firm Characteristics on Motor Carrier Safety", 45th Annual Forum of the Transportation Research Forum, Evanston, IL, March 21-23, 2004.

daSilva, Marco. 2004. "Railroad Infrastructure Security Research – Trespass Detection", 2004 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Cambridge, MA, April 21-22, 2004.

daSilva, Marco. 2004. "U.S. Railroad Infrastructure Trespass Detection Systems Research", 8th International Level Highway/Rail Crossing Symposium, Sheffield, England, April 14-16, 2004.

Daskalakis, Anastasios. 2004. "Alternative Surveillance Technology for the Gulf of Mexico, 23rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 24-28, 2004.

DeBlasio, Allan J. 2004. "Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Management and Operations", Workshop on Optimizing Resource Allocation for Transportation Infrastructure Protection, Madison, WI, May 20, 2004.

DeBlasio, Allan J., Regan, Terrance J., Zirker, Margaret E., Fichter, Katherine S. and Kristin Lovejoy. 2004. Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Management and Operations: August 2003 Northeast Blackout Great Lakes Region, May 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-04-02.

DeBlasio, Allan J., Regan, Terrance J., Zirker, Margaret E., Fichter, Katherine S. and Kristin Lovejoy. 2004. Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Management and Operations: August 2003 Northeast Blackout New York City, March 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-04-04.

DeBlasio, Allan J., Regan, Terrance J., Zirker, Margaret E., Fichter, Katherine S. and Kristin Lovejoy. 2004. Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Management and Operations: Comparative Analysis, May 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-04-03.

DeBlasio, Allan J., Regan, Terrance J., Zirker, Margaret E., Fichter, Katherine S. and Kristin Lovejoy. 2004. Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Management and Operations: Executive Summary of the August 2003 Northeast Blackout Great Lakes and New York City, May 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-04-05.

DeBlasio, Allan J. 2004. "ITS During and After the 2003 Blackout", ITS America 2004 14th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, April 26-28, 2004.

Dinning, Michael and Alan Rao. 2004. "Applying Geospatial Technology in Homeland Security: A Review of the Latest Developments", 2004 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Cambridge, MA, April 21-22, 2004.

Fleming, Gregg G., Kim, et al. 2004. "Flight Movement Inventory: SAGE-AERO2K", Air Traffic Control Quarterly, v.12, n.2, 2004, pp. 125-145.

Fleming, Gregg G. 2004. "The Future of Aircraft Noise Research", Noise-Con 2004/TRB A1F04 Summer Meeting & Exposition, Baltimore, MD, July 12-14, 2004.

Flores, Arthur. 2004. "Alcohol Concentration Extrapolation", International Association for Chemical Testing, Little Rock, AK, April 25-30, 2004.

Flores, Arthur. 2004. "Breath Test Technology", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-1082.

Flores, Arthur. 2004. "Mutual Acceptance OIML Recommendation 126 Testing", 17th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety, Glasgow, Scotland, August 8-13, 2004.

Green, Kevin. 2004. "Technology to Increase CAFÉ", 12th Annual National Energy Modeling System/Annual Energy Outlook Conference, Washington, DC, March 23, 2004.

Hallock, James N. 2004. "Review of the Columbia Accident", Department of Energy (DOE) Senior Leadership Conference, Alexandria, VA, January 28, 2004.

Harnett, Kevin and Mark Freeman. 2004. (presentation). "Future NAS Information System Security (ISS) Requirements", NASA ACAST Workshop, Cleveland, OH, August 24-25, 2004.

Hayashi, Miwa, Oman, Charles M. and Michael Zuschlag. 2004. "Effects of Head-Up Display Airspeed Indicator and Altimeter Formats on Pilot Scanning and Attention Switching", Human Performance Situation Awareness and Automation II Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March 20-25, 2004.

Hayashi, Miwa, Oman, Charles M. and Michael Zuschlag. 2004. "Hidden Markov Models as a Tool to Measure Pilot Attention Switching During Simulated ILS Approaches", 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH, April 14-17, 2004, pp. 502-507.

Hellman, Adrian. 2004. "Lessons Learned from the Evaluation of a Four-Quadrant Gate Grade Crossing with Obstacle Detection", 8th International Level Highway/Rail Crossing Symposium, Sheffield, England, April 14-16, 2004.

Hoaglund, Robert F. 2004. "The Future of Security", National Cargo Security Council Seminar, Baltimore, MD, July 17-20, 2004.

Hoaglund, Robert F. 2004. "Security in the Terminal and Beyond", 2004 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Cambridge, MA, April 21-22, 2004.

Jacobsen, Karina M., Tyrell, David, and A. Benjamin Perlman. 2004. "Impact Test of a Crash-Energy Management Passenger Rail Car", 2004 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 6-8, 2004. RTD2004-66045.

Joshi, Amishi, Papazian, Jen and Nicole Rossbach. 2004. "NEPA Compliance Process for the National Parks Air Tour Management Plan Program", National Association of Environmental Professionals 29th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, April 25-29, 2004.

Kish, Andrew and Dwight Clark. 2004. "Better Management of CWR Neutral Temperature Through Efficient Destressing", AREMA 2004 Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, September 19-22, 2004.

Lappin, Jane, et al. 2004. "Methods of Assessing Customer Satisfaction with Surface Transportation Service", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-5206.

Lappin, Jane, et al. 2004. "Quality of Service and Customer Satisfaction on Urban Streets", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-5031.

Laube, Melissa M. and David Spiller. 2004. "Planning for Tour Bus Management in Washington, D.C.", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-4887.

Lee, Douglass B., Jr., and Don H. Pickrell. 2004. "Economic Alternatives to Meeting Projected Demand", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-0826.

Lee, Douglass B., Jr. 2004. "Fundamentals of Cost-Benefit Analysis as Applied to Road Pricing", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-0667.

Lee, Douglass B., Jr. 2004. "Making the Case for ITS Investment", In: Assessing the Benefits and Costs of ITS, David Gillen and David Levinson, eds., Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

Lee, Esther, Smith, Robin and Felicia Young. 2004. Domestic Scan Tour II Report. The Integration of Land Use and Transportation Planning: Lessons Learned from the Second Domestic Scan Tour, May 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-04-01.

Lee, Esther. 2004. "Land Use and Transportation Coordination: Lessons Learned from Domestic Scan Tours I and II", National Association of Environmental Professionals 29th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, April 25-29, 2004.

Lee, Jonathan. 2004. "Deicing Decision Support Tool", 23rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 24-28, 2004.

Lyons, William M. 2004. "State and Local Strategies for Transportation and Climate Change", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-0898.

Mauri, Ronald, et al. 2004. "Comparison of Maglev Projects Planned for U.S. and Germany Using Transrapid Technology", 18th International Conference on Maglev Systems and Linear Drives, Shanghai, China, October 25-28, 2004.

McGovern, Seamus. 2004. "Combinatorial Optimization Methods for Disassembly Line Balancing", International Society for Optical Engineers (SPIE) OpticsEast 2004, Philadelphia, PA, October 25-28, 2004.

McGovern, Seamus. 2004. "Demanufacturing Strategy Based Upon Metaheuristics", Proceedings of the 2004 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Houston, TX, May 15-19, 2004.

McGovern, Seamus. 2004. "Metaheuristic Technique for the Disassembly Line Balancing Problem", 2004 Northeast Decision Sciences Institutes (NEDSI) 33rd Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ, March 24 –26, 2004.

McGovern, Seamus. 2004. "Multi-Objective Optimization in Disassembly Sequencing Problems", 2nd World Conference on Production & Operations Management and the 15th Annual Production & Operations Management Conference, Cancun, Mexico, April 30 – May 3, 2004.

Nadler, Eric and Rosa Oseguera-Lohr. 2004. Effects of an Approach Spacing Flight Deck Tool on Pilot Eyescan, February 2004, NASA/TM-2004-212987.

Najm, Wassim and David Smith. 2004. "Modeling Driver Response to Lead Vehicle Decelerating", SAE World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, March 8-11, 2004. SAE paper 2004-01-0171.

ORANGES Evaluation Phase I Risk Assessment Report: Phase I of the US DOT Sponsored Evaluation of the ORANGES Electronic Payment Systems Field Operational Test, For the FHWA Joint Program Office, January 13, 2004.

Parent, Daniel, Tyrell, David and A. Benjamin Perlman. 2004. "Crashworthiness Analysis of the Placentia, CA Rail Collision", I Crash 2004, International Crashworthiness Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 14-16, 2004.

Peirce, Sean, Sor, Sodany and Sari Radin. 2004. Hazardous Materials Incidents Costs: Estimating the Costs of the March 25, 2004, Tanker Truck Crash in Bridgeport, Connecticut, for the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, Research and Special Programs Administration, August 2004.

Peirce, Sean and Jane Lappin. 2004. " Why Don't More People Use Advanced Traveler Information? Evidence from the Seattle Area", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-3977.

Peirce, Sean and Jane Lappin. 2004. " Why Don't More People Use Advanced Traveler Information? Evidence from the Seattle, Washington", ERTICO Intelligent Transport System & Services Congress & Exhibition: Moving Towards an Integrated Europe, Budapest, Hungary, May 24-26, 2004.

Petrella, Margaret and Jane Lappin. 2004. "Los Angeles and Seattle: A Comparative Analysis of Customer Response to Online Traffic Information", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-4528.

Popkin, Stephen. 2004. "The Operator Fatigue Management Program: A Multimodal Initiative for the Transportation Enterprise", Maritime Operations: Human Factors, Linthicum Heights, MD, April 27, 2004.

Ranney, Joyce Ducot and Christopher Nelson. 2004. "Impacts of Safety Rules Revision in Incident Rates, Liability Claims, and Safety Culture in the U.S. Railroad Industry", Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2004. Paper no. 04-4309.

Rochat, Judith L. 2004. "Evaluating Tire/Road Noise for Multiple Pavements –Route 138 Study Update", Noise-Con 2004/TRB A1F04 Summer Meeting & Exposition, Baltimore, MD, July 12-14, 2004.

Rochat, Judith L. 2004. "FHWA's Traffic Noise Model (TNM) Version 2.5 Validation Results", Noise-Con 2004/TRB A1F04 Summer Meeting & Exposition, Baltimore, MD, July 12-14, 2004.

Rochat, Judith L., Corbisier, Chris and Robert J. Bernhard. 2004. "Quiet Pavement Technologies—An FHWA/AASHTO European Scan", Noise-Con 2004/TRB A1F04 Summer Meeting & Exposition, Baltimore, MD, July 12-14, 2004.

Rochat, Judith and Gregg Fleming. 2004. TNM Version 2.5 Addendum to Validation of FHWA's Traffic Noise Model (TNM: Phase 1, July 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FHWA-02-01 Addendum.

Rochat, Judith L. 2004. "Transportation Noise Issues", In: Handbook of Transportation Engineering, Myer Kutz, ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.

Rochat, Judith. 2004. "Using Quiet Pavements to Help Reduce Highway Traffic Noise: Wayside Noise Measurement Studies in California and Arizona and FHWA's Quiet Pavement Pilot Program," 29th Annual Conference of the National Association of Environmental Professionals, Portland, OR, April 26-27, 2004.

Saks, Jane, Multer, Jordan and Katherine Blythe. 2004. Proceedings of the Human Factors Workshops: Improving Railroad Safety through Understanding Close Calls, May 2004, DOT-VNTSC-FRA-04-01, DOT/FRA/ORD-04/03

Seliga, Thomas A., Hazen, David A., and Stephen Burnley. 2004. "Temporal and Spatial Behavior of Visibility Obtained from Runway Visual Range (RVR) Sensors during Snowfall Events at Several Major Airports" 20th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 84th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 11-16, 2004.

Sheridan, Thomas. 2004. "An Interpolation Method for Rating Severity of Runway Incursions", Human Performance Situation Awareness and Automation II Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March 20-25, 2004.

Sheridan, Thomas, Cardosi, Kim and Daniel Hannon. 2004. "Rating the Severity of Close-Call Events", HFES 2004 Human Factors & Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, September 20-24, 2004.

Sloan, Suzanne. 2004. "Facilitated Questions with the Audience: What Defines an Early Adopter of ITS Standards?" ITS America 2004 14th Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, April 26-28, 2004.

Stearns, Mary D., Sussman, E. Donald, and David Skinner. 2004. Quantifying the Relationships: Aging, Driving Cessation, Health and Costs: A Project Memorandum. For the Office of the Secretary, Transportation Policy Development, January 2004.

Sussmann, Ted. 2004. "Trackbed Deflection Under Combined Freight and High Speed Passenger Service", American Society of Civil Engineers Geo-trans 2004 Conference, Los Angeles, CA, July 24-31, 2004.

Swain, David. 2004. "Security Awareness Virtual Initiative – Hands-on Demonstration", National Information Systems Security Conference and Exposition, Jacksonville, FL, February 9-13, 2004.

Swierzbin, Anthony, and Timothy Hall. 2004. "Data Card Authentication Process", 2004 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Cambridge, MA, April 21-22, 2004.

Van Dyke, Karen, et al. 2004. "Status Update on GPS Integrity Failure Modes and Effects Analysis", 2004 National Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, San Diego, CA, January 26-28, 2004.

Wang, Frank Y., et al. 2004. "Aircraft Wake Vortex Measurements at Denver International Airport", 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Manchester, England, May 10-12, 2004. AIAA 2004-2880.

Wang, Frank Y., et al. 2004. "Passive Wake Acoustics Measurements at Denver International Airport", 4th NASA Integrated CNS Conference and Workshop, Fairfax, VA, April 26-30, 2004.

Wang, Frank Y., Wassaf, Hadi and Jay C. Hardin. 2004. "Sound Generation by Aircraft Wake Vortices Interacting with the Ground Plane", 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Manchester, England, May 10-12, 2004. AIAA 2004-2881.

Yeh, Michelle and Divya Chandra. 2004. "Issues in Symbol Design for Electronic Displays of Navigation Information", 23rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October 24-28, 2004.

Yu, Hailing, Medri, Marisol, DiMasi, Frank, Zhou, Qing and Faris Bandak. 2004. "Head-Neck Finite Element Model of Crash Test Dummy THOR", International Journal of Crashworthiness, v.9, n.2, 2004.

Zuschlag, Michael. 2004. "Quantification of Visual Clutter Using a Computational Model of Human Perception: an Application for Head-Up Displays", Human Performance Situation Awareness and Automation II Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March 20-25, 2004.

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