U.S. Foreign Waterborne Transportation Statistics Program

Schedule K

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U.S. Bureau of the Census - Foreign Trade Division  U.S. Bureau of the Census - Foreign Trade Division

Statistics Canada  - Canadian Trade Statistics Statistics Canada - Canadian Trade Statistics

SINEGI - Mexican Trade Statistics INEGI - Mexican Trade Statistics




Maritime Administration Logo                       U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


To provide official monthly, quarterly, and annual U.S. Foreign Waterborne Transportation Statistics


On September 28, 1998 the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) designated the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) as the "central collection agency" for the U.S. Foreign Waterborne Transportation Statistics program effective October 1, 1998. The U.S. Bureau of the Census (Census) was previously responsible for this program.

This decision followed a review of the U.S. Foreign Waterborne Transportation Statistics program at the direction of OMB. Based on the expertise of the transportation agencies involved it was determined that the program responsibility should be transferred to the Corps with operational support from the Maritime Administration (MarAd). The Corps will collect and publish the data pursuant to its authority under the 1922 River and Harbor Act (33 U.S.C. 555) by which it has historically collected and published waterborne commerce statistics.

The Corps and MarAd have assumed complete responsibility for the ongoing production of official monthly and annual U.S. foreign waterborne transportation statistics and are fully committed to meeting the data needs of other government agencies and private sector customers, without imposing any new reporting burden on the public.

Under the new arrangement, monthly and annual vessel movement reports and "Data Bank" cargo reports previously produced by Census will now be produced by MarAd. These reports contain movement data on all vessels engaged in U.S. foreign trade and cargo data by type of service, U.S. and foreign port, country of origin/destination, commodity, value, weight, and containerized cargo.

MarAd will be distributing of these waterborne transportation reports and will also be responsible for special tabulations and customized maritime data reports created for other government agencies and the private sector on a reimbursable basis. MarAd will also provide these services with respect to historic data and will be maintaining the "Schedule K", Classification of Foreign Ports by Geographic Trade Area and Country pursuant to an agreement with Census.

Information on U.S. foreign waterborne transportation statistics and special requests for customized data reports may be directed to:
Maritime Administration, Office of Statistical and Economic Analysis, MAR-450, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20590 fax: 202-366-8886; phone: 202-366-2267; e-mail: data.marad@marad.dot.gov