PTDLP > Basic Materials and Services > Patent Document Kind Codes

Patent Document Kind Codes

Number formats as they appear on documents published on or after January 2, 2001.  For a full explanation of document kind codes see WIPO Standard ST.16.

Document Type Before
Jan. 2, 2001
On or After Jan. 2, 2001
Number Format Code Number Format
Utility Patents
Issued patent (no pre-grant publication) 5,123,456 B1 US 6,654,321 B1
Issued patent (with pre-grant publication) NA B2 US 6,654,322 B2
Application (first publication) NA A1 US 2001/0001111 A1
Second or subsequent republication of an application NA A2 US 2001/0002222 A2
Correction of a published application NA A9 US 2001/0003333 A9
Plant Patents
Issued patent (no pre-grant publication) Plant 11,000 P2 US PP12,345 P2
Issued patent (with pre-grant publication) NA P3 US PP12,345 P3
Application (first publication) NA P1 US 2001/0004444 P1
Second or subsequent republication of an application NA P4 US 2001/0005555 P4
Correction of a published application NA P9 US 2001/0006666 P9
Design Patents Des. 456,789 S US D654,321 S
Reissue Patents RE36,543 E US RE12,345 E
Reexamination certificate issued from first reexamination of a patent (utility, plant, design or reissue) B1 5,123,456
B1 Plant 11,000
B1 Des. 123,456
B1 RE12,345
C1 US 6,654,321 C1
US PP12,345 C1
US D654,321 C1
US RE12,345 C1
Reexamination certificate issued from second reexamination of a patent B2 5,123,456
C2 US 6,654,321 C2
Reexamination certificate issued from third reexamination of a patent B3 5,123,456
C3 US 6,654,321 C3
Other Patent Documents
Statutory invention registration (SIR) documents H1,234 H US H2345 H

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