Patents > Organization > Examination Policy > OPLA: Office of Patent Legal Administration

The mission of the Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA) is to assist in the development and administration of U.S. patent law, advise the USPTO on patent examination policy and formulate new regulations, policies, and procedures regarding patents.

Telephone: (571) 272-7701


  • OPLA provides legal and policy guidance to the Commissioner for Patents, the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Operations, the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Resources and Planning, and the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy.

  • OPLA assists in the development and implementation of patent law, provides means for its implementation, and formulates the accompanying regulations and practices.

  • OPLA  monitors specialized programs such as reexamination, reissue and patent term extension; and assists in the efforts to negotiate the harmonization of patent laws and other international matters.

  • OPLA provides MPEP staff with suggested changes to the MPEP as a result of changes to the patent rules.

  • OPLA is also responsible for updating a majority of forms used by the patent examining corps and USPTO customers to reflect changes made to the patent rules and through policy initiatives.

  • OPLA legal advisors and special projects examiner provide staff assistance on special projects or studies as may be assigned by the Director of the OPLA, the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy or the Commissioner for Patents. They also prepare reports or other documents as may be appropriate including studies and papers comparing US patent law and practices with the patent laws of other countries.

  • OPLA staff  research case law, appropriate rules, facts-in-evidence, and other pertinent information; discuss policy implications with top USPTO management officials; compose USPTO decisions and either sign the decision(s) or have the final USPTO decision signed by the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy or other top US Patent and Trademark Office management officials.

  • OPLA staff represent the USPTO and explain US patent law and Office policies and procedures in letters, phone calls, lectures and other contacts with members of the public and the patent bar.

  • OPLA staff decide various petitions and assists the Office of Petitions in deciding petitions, which have been delegated to that office for consideration.


A Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) provides administrative, legal, and examination support for inter partes reexamination cases. Reexamination is a complex examination procedure which differs in a number of aspects from regular patent application examination procedure, from the filing of the request to the publication of a reexamination certificate. The CRU is professionally staffed by procedural/legal specialists who provide policy oversight for primary examiners on the law and procedural aspects and requirements applicable to inter partes reexamination. The technical aspects of examination are conducted by the primary examiner. To provide proper control and handling of reexamination cases, the unit includes support staff and facilities for case storage, paper handling and processing, and docket control.

The CRU also serves as a production unit for scanning ex parte and inter partes reexamination cases in order to create electronic database files (in an image format) from which information may be retrieved and printed by members of the public.  Unlike initial archival scanning performed on all new case in the Office, the CRU continually updates the image database of reexam files as correspondence is received and/or sent out.

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Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy telephone numbers
International Liaison Staff
Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) Staff
Senior Patent Attorney
Office of Petitions
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Legal Administration
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Central Reexamination Unit
General / Legal Patent Information
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