Patents > Guidance, Tools & Manuals > Format to Create An Application Data Sheet

This web page describes a new format for creating an Application Data Sheet (ADS) which will be used to supply bibliographic information about the application.

The ADS will be used to assist the USPTO in capturing data. The information provided in the ADS is presently being provided in multiple parts of patent applications. With the ADS, the information will all be in a centralized place. The ADS, when filed, is a part of the patent application.

For information on creating an ADS, see the Guide for Preparing the Patent Application Data Sheet Format, Version 5, 03/2003 [DOC] or Guide for Preparing the Patent Application Data Sheet Format, Version 5, 03/2003 [PDF] for viewing, using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. This Guide offers detailed instructions for completing the format section by section.

Note: Applicants are responsible for complying with the requirements of title 35 of the United States Code and title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations and the usage of an ADS does not relieve an applicant from this responsibility.

Requests for additional information about the Guide and the format only should be directed to the attention of:

Electronic Business Center
Telephone (703) 305-3028

Additional information about filing patent applications and receiving paper copies of Web page forms is available from:

Inventors Assistance Center
1-800-786-9199 (1-800-PTO-9199)

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