Patents > 900 Prior Art, Classification, Search

900 Prior Art, Classification, Search

900 Prior Art, Classification, Search
901 Prior Art
901.01 Canceled Matter in U.S. Patent Files
901.02 Abandoned Applications
901.03 Pending Applications
901.04 U.S. Patents
901.04(a) Kind Codes
901.05 Foreign Patent Documents
901.05(a) Citation Data
901.05(b) Other Significant Data
901.05(c) Obtaining Copies
901.05(d) Translation
901.06 Nonpatent Publications
901.06(a) Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC)
901.06(b) Borrowed Publications
901.06(c) Alien Property Custodian Publications
901.06(d) Abstracts, Abbreviatures, and Defensive Publications
901.07 Arrangement of Art in Technology Centers
901.08 Borrowing References
901.09 Missing Copies - Replacement
902 Search Tools and Classification Information
902.01 Manual of Classification
902.01(a) Index to the U.S. Patent Classification System
902.02 Class and Subclass Definitions
902.02(a) Definition Notes
902.02(b) Search Cards
902.03 Classification Information
902.03(a) Patent Classification Home Page on the Internet
902.03(b) Patent Classification Home Page on the USPTO Intranet
902.03(c) Classification Insight on USPTO Local Area Network (LAN)
902.03(d) Patent Information and Search Tools: the Cassis CD-ROM Series
902.03(e) Automated Search Tools: EAST and WEST
902.04 Classification Orders
902.04(a) Reclassification Alert Report
903 Classification
903.01 Statutory Authority
903.02 Basis and Principles of Classification
903.02(a) New and Revised Classes
903.02(b) Scope of a Class
903.02(c) Establishing Subclasses and Cross-Reference Art Collections
903.03 Availability of Foreign Patents
903.05 Transfer of U.S. Patents
903.06 Practice To Be Followed in Ordering Official Cross-References
903.07 Classifying and Cross-Referencing at Allowance
903.07(a) Cross-Referencing - Keep Systematic Notes During Prosecution
903.07(b) Issuing in Another Technology Center Without Transfer
903.08 Applications: Assignment and Transfer
903.08(a) New Applications
903.08(b) Classification and Assignment to Examiner
903.08(c) Immediate Inspection of Amendments
903.08(d) Transfer Procedure
903.08(e) General Guidelines Governing the Assignment of Non- provisional Applications for Examination
903.08(f) Post Classifier's Decision
903.08(g) Transfer to Another Technology Center After Decision
903.09 International Classification of Patents for Inventions
903.09(a) Locarno Classification Designations
903.10 Duties of the Post Classifier
904 How to Search
904.01 Analysis of Claims
904.01(a) Variant Embodiments Within Scope of Claim
904.01(b) Equivalents
904.01(c) Analogous Arts
904.02 General Search Guidelines
904.02(a) Classified Search
904.02(b) Search Tool Selection
904.02(c) Internet Searching
904.03 Conducting the Search
905 Miscellaneous
905.02 Soft Copy Orders
905.03 Ordering of Patented and Abandoned Provisional and Nonprovisional Application Files
905.04 Marking Examiners' Copies of Patents
905.05 Application File Location
905.06 Patent Family Information

900 Prior Art, Classification, Search

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