Patents > 2300 Interference Proceedings

2300 Interference Proceedings

2300 Interference Proceedings
2300.01 Introduction
2300.02 Provoking an Interference
2301.01 Preliminaries to an Interference
2301.01(a) In Different Technology Centers
2301.01(b) The Interference Search
2301.02 Definitions
2302 Ownership of Applications and Patents Involved in an Interference
2303 Interference Between Applications
2303.01 Interference on Nonelected Subject Matter
2304 Applicant Requests Interference Between Applications
2305 Examiner Suggests Claim to Applicant
2305.01 Action To Be Made at Time of Suggesting Claims
2305.02 Time Limit Set for Presenting Suggested Claims
2305.03 Suggested Claims Presented After Period for Reply Running Against Application
2305.04 Suggestion of Claims, Application in Issue or in Interference
2306 Interference Between an Application and a Patent
2306.01 Patent Has Filing Date Later Than Application
2307 Applicant Requests Interference With a Patent
2307.01 Presentation of Claims Corresponding to Patent Claims Not a Reply to Last Office Action
2307.02 Rejection of Claims Corresponding to Patent Claims
2307.03 Presentation of Claims for Interference With a Patent, After Prosecution of Application is Closed
2307.04 Presentation of Claims for Interference With a Patent Involved in a Reexamination Proceeding
2307.05 Corresponding Patent Claims Not Identified
2307.06 Presentation of Claims for Interference with a Patent, Patentee Must Be Notified
2308 Interference Between an Application and a Patent; Prima Facie Showing by Applicant
2308.01 Patent Has Filing Date Earlier Than Application
2308.02 Showing Under 37 CFR 1.608(b)
2309 Proposed Interference
2309.02 Preparation of Papers
2309.03 Affidavits and Declarations Retained in File
2309.06 Interfering Subject Matter in "Secrecy Order" Cases
2311 Declaration of Interference
2312 Public Access to Files
2314 Jurisdiction Over Interference
2315 Suspension of Ex Parte Prosecution
2315.01 Suspension - Overlapping Applications
2333 Preliminary Motions - Related to Application Not Involved in Interference
2340 Motions, Hearing and Decision
2341 Unpatentability Discovered
2342 Addition to Interference
2358 Final Decision
2359 Board Recommendation
2360 Reexamination, Reissue, Protest, or Litigation During Interference
2361 Termination of Interference After Judgment
2363 Action After Interference
2363.01 No Interference in Fact
2363.02 The Winning Party
2363.03 The Losing Party
2364 Entry of Amendments
2364.01 Amendments Filed During Interference
2365 Second Interference

2300 Interference Proceedings

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