Patents > 2500 Maintenance Fees

2500 Maintenance Fees

2500 Maintenance Fees
2501 Introduction
2504 Patents Subject to Maintenance Fees
2506 Times for Submitting Maintenance Fee Payments
2510 Submission of Maintenance Fee Payments and Documents
2515 Information Required for Submission of Maintenance Fee Payment
2520 Maintenance Fee Amounts
2522 Methods of Payment
2530 Special Acceptance of Maintenance Fee Payments Containing Informalities
2531 Payment Late or Insufficient
2532 Duplicate Payments
2540 Fee Address for Maintenance Fee Purposes
2542 Change of Correspondence Address
2550 Small Entity Status
2560 Revocation of Power of Attorney and Withdrawal of Attorney
2570 Maintenance Fee Payment Status Requests
2575 Notices
2580 Review of Decision Refusing to Accept and Record Payment of a Maintenance Fee Filed Prior to Expiration of Patent
2590 Acceptance of Delayed Payment of Maintenance Fee in Expired Patent to Reinstate Patent
2591 Intervening Rights in Reinstated Patents
2595 Forms

2500 Maintenance Fees

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KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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