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U.S. Contributes Additional $58 Million for Refugee Relief

The United States will provide the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) an additional $58.9 million for the assistance and protection of the world's 20 million refugees, according to a statement released by State Department spokesman Richard Boucher on March 12.

The total U.S. contribution to UNHCR in 2004 is nearly $150 million for its annual programs and other activities, with further increases expected later in the year, according to Boucher. The United States is the largest donor.

The additional funding includes $3.9 million that will be used to support UNHCR's Protection Surge Capacity project and other efforts that advance the U.S. priority of ensuring the protection of refugees, especially refugee women and children.

"The United States believes the protection and care of refugees and the pursuit of permanent solutions to refugee crises are shared international responsibilities," Boucher said, calling on fellow donors to provide generous support for UNHCR programs.

The text of Boucher's March 12 statement follows below. More information on U.S. policy related to refugee assistance is available at http://www.state.gov/g/prm/.

Office of the Spokesman
March 12, 2004


The United States Contributes an Additional $58.9 Million
to the United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees

The United States is pleased to announce an additional contribution of $58.9 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to support its 2004 programs. Of this contribution, $55 million is provided in support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees annual programs worldwide; the remaining $3.9 million is specifically to help strengthen its capacity to provide for the legal and physical protection of refugees. This contribution brings the total U.S. support for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2004 to nearly $150 million for its annual programs and other activities.

The $55 million announced today for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees annual programs is provided as follows:

Africa - $25 million
Europe - $6.5 million
Near East - $1 million
South Asia - $9 million
East Asia - $2.5 million
Western Hemisphere - $1 million
Global Operations/Headquarters - $10 million

The $3.9 million for protection activities advances the U.S. priority of ensuring the protection of refugees, especially for refugee women and refugee children. The funds will be used to support the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Protection Surge Capacity project, as well as additional permanent protection and community services positions worldwide.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is a key U.S. partner in critical international humanitarian endeavors in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, and elsewhere throughout the world. The United States is the largest donor. Our funding helps support the UN agency responsible for protection of and assistance to the world's refugees, which addresses the needs of the more than 20 million refugees and other persons of concern to the organization.

The United States believes the protection and care of refugees and the pursuit of permanent solutions to refugee crises are shared international responsibilities, and urges fellow donors to provide generous support for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees programs. The United States will make additional contributions later in the year.

Embassy of the United States