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Byliner: Secretary of State Powell on Battle Against Terrorism

(This column by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell first appeared in Newsweek October 15 issue and is in the public domain, no copyright restrictions.)

"A Long, Hard Campaign"

By Colin L. Powell

(For the first time, the Secretary of State lays out the plans for the battle against terror -- and explains how it could shape a new global order)

October 15 issue -- The mass murders that were committed on Sept. 11 under the direction of Osama bin Laden and his Qaeda network have united the world against international terrorism. Some 80 countries lost citizens in the attacks. From our shared grief and shared resolve can come new opportunities not only to defeat terrorism, but also to work with other nations on a range of important issues of global concern.

A host of countries and international organizations have answered President George W. Bush's call for a worldwide coalition to combat terrorism -- among them NATO, the European Union, the Organization of American States, the Association of South East Asian Nations, the Organization of African Unity, the Arab League and the U.N. General Assembly and Security Council. Indeed, the Security Council unanimously adopted a historic resolution obliging all 189 member states to stop terrorist travel, money flows, planning and other support, and to cooperate in bringing terrorists to justice.

International terrorism poses a multidimensional threat. Our coalition must use every tool of statecraft to defeat it. Some countries will take part in the military response against those involved in the atrocities of September 11. Others, while not participating directly in military action, will provide logistical support or access to bases and staging areas or overflight rights. And many will contribute to humanitarian efforts to help the millions of innocent Afghans who have suffered under the Taliban regime -- a regime that seems to care more about Osama bin Laden and his terrorists than its own starving citizens. Coalition members also will work to disrupt and destroy terrorist networks over the longer term by sharing intelligence and other critical information, cooperating in law enforcement and cutting off terrorists' financial lifelines. This will be a long, hard campaign, measured in years and fought on many fronts. For such an effort, our coalition will have the flexibility to evolve.

And the very process of participating in this great global campaign against terrorism may well open the door for us to strengthen or reshape international relationships and expand or establish areas of cooperation. Already, our alliances in Europe, Asia and the Western Hemisphere have been reinvigorated by invocations of the collective defense provisions of the NATO, ANZUS and Rio treaties. Russia and China, two great powers in transition whose successful integration into the international community we seek, have contributed to this unprecedented global effort. Developing habits of consultation and cooperation against international terrorism can create opportunities to deepen our relations with both countries in other spheres. Pakistan and India, bitter rivals, have both joined the coalition. This may present an opportunity for both countries to explore new ways of thinking about stability on the Subcontinent.

The millions of our fellow Americans of the Islamic faith, and the 10 Muslim nations that lost citizens in the Sept. 11 attacks, need no convincing that the killers and their accomplices pervert Islam when they use it to justify their appalling crimes. Out of a deep sense of shared humanity, and a chilling appreciation of common vulnerability to terrorism, we see new scope to strengthen our relations with the Islamic world. In this global campaign, the United States welcomes the help of any country or party that is genuinely prepared to work with us, but we will not relax our standards and we will continue to advance our fundamental interests in human rights, accountable government, free markets, nonproliferation and conflict resolution, for we believe that a world of democracy, opportunity and stability is a world in which terrorism cannot thrive.

Throughout the campaign against international terrorism, the dedicated men and women of the State Department at our posts abroad and here in Washington will be on the front lines just as surely as those who wear the uniform. We will not let terrorism hijack American foreign policy. The president has urged the American people to get back to the business of their daily lives. So, too, the United States will continue to pursue a full international agenda -- from promoting good governance to cooperating with other countries to stem the HIV/AIDS pandemic, establish a post-cold-war strategic framework, launch a new trade round and foster peace in the Middle East.

Terrorism has cast a shadow across the globe. But the global resolve to defeat it has never been greater and the prospects for international cooperation across a broad range of issues have never been brighter. As President Bush said the other day when he visited the State Department: "Out of this evil will come good. Through our tears we see opportunities to make the world better for generations to come. And we will seize them."

(Colin L. Powell is the U.S. Secretary of State)