United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Social Sciences Team Publications

The People, Partnerships and Communities series provide guidance to the conservation partnership about how to effectively work with people and communities. Each information sheet covers one topic and answers 5 questions about that topic: Why is the topic important? Who benefits from the information? When is the information useful? How do you apply the information? Where do you go to get more information? Go To PPCs table.

Technical reports provide more technical, scientific coverage of natural resource topics than the PPC series. They cover social science topics in more depth, with more analysis. Go To Tech reports table.

The Marketing Guidebooks were produced by the National Association of Conservation Districts, in cooperation with the Team. They help conservation districts and conservation offices market natural resources conservation and build better conservation programs. Go To Marketing table.

Product and Program Brochures include flyers, brochures, and handouts that we make available at public meetings. Go To Brochures table.

Miscellaneous publications don't fit any of the three niches explained above. They include position descriptions and "non-official" writings. Go To Miscellaneous publications table.

People, Partnerships, and Communities Series

These documents require Adobe Acrobat Document Adobe Acrobat .
Note: Many of the pdf files have old addresses

Id Name Description Links
PPC 001 Focus Groups Explains the use of focus groups to obtain community perspectives on conservation. Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_001 (70 KB)
PPC 002 Reading the Land Explains how to include historical information about farms in conservation plans. Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_002 (127 KB)
PPC 003 Looking good on TV Tells how to succeed when dealing with the television media Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_003 (35 KB)
PPC 004 Alternative Dispute Resolution Provides guidance on methods for resolving environmental conflicts. Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_004 (66 KB)
PPC 005 Running Effective Meetings Explains how to run meetings so that you achieve your goals and get everyone to participate. Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_005 (30 KB)
PPC 006 Listening Skills  Explains how to listen better in order to enhance your conservation actions Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_006 (47 KB)
PPC 007 The Adoption and Diffusion of Conservation Technologies Introduces the reader to the basic concepts of how people adopt new ideas and methods and gives suggestions on how to use those ideas in day-to-day conservation work. Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_007 (63 KB)
PPC 008 Economics Service Networks: Making Economics Easier To Use Explains how the Internet can be used to deliver better economics services. Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_008 (99 KB)
PPC 009 How to Improve Diversity on Your Team Explains how to improve workplace diversity Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_009 (683 KB)
PPC 010 Running Public Meetings Gives the crucial steps you need to follow when running a meeting that is open to the public. Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_010 (54 KB)
PPC 011 Prioritizing Issues or Concerns: Using the Paired Comparison Technique Explains one technique for prioritizing issues in a group setting Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_011 (81 KB)
PPC 012 Conflict Management Provides methods and tips to more effectively manage and resolve conflicts Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_012 (72 KB)
PPC 013 Dealing with Difficult People Provides tips on how to deal effectively with difficult people so that tension is diffused and smooth interaction is attained Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_013 (39 KB)
PPC 014 Designing Surveys for Conservation Activities Provides tips on gathering information from the conservation partnership through the use of surveys Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_014 (48 KB)
PPC 015 How to Develop a Marketing Plan Explains how an understanding of marketing and the completion of a marketing plan can help achieve conservation goals Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_015 (163 KB)
PPC 016 Managing Change and Transition Discusses techniques for managing transitions in three major categories: 'endings', the 'neutral zones', and 'beginnings' Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_016 (64 KB)
PPC 017 Requesting and Preparing for a Meeting with a Community Leader Provides tips on how to request a meeting, prepare for it, and succeed in conducting a mutually beneficial meeting for both the leader and yourself Adobe Acrobat Document PPC_017 (76 KB)
PPC 018 Understanding Non-Profit Organizations Explains some aspects of non-profit organizations that help to develop better conservation partnerships. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_018 (81 KB)
PPC 019 Creating Effective Relationships with the Media Provides tips and methods for developing more effective relationships with today's media Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_019 (81 KB)
PPC 020 Developing and Maintaining a Network Explains how networking works. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_020 (96 KB)
PPC 021 Understanding Community Power Structures Explains how a basic understanding of social power and power actors can enhance conservation inititatives. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_021 (37 KB)
PPC 022 Defining Communities: An Issue Based Approach Provides brief ideas on useful ways to think of "communities" during planning, and also introduces one method for defining "communities of interest." Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_022 (98 KB)
PPC 023 Human Aspects of the Conservation Planning Environment Integrates natural and human factors in the planning process Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_023 (70 KB)
PPC 024 Conducting "Rapid Resource Appraisals" of Watersheds Provides an explanation of a useful technique to "jump start" conservation planning Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_024 (56 KB)
PPC 025 Rebuilding Your Local Work Group Looks at ways of renewing interest in local work groups and maintaining a high level of excitement toward the work group's tasks. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_025 (147 KB)
PPC 026 Working With People of Different Cultures Explains how to improve cross-cultural communications. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_026 (425 KB)
PPC 027 Delivering Effective Presentations Provides an introduction into the art of giving presentations in order to more effectively deliver conservation. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_027 (111 KB)
PPC 028 Stress Management Gives pointers for dealing with stress Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_028 (65 KB)
PPC 029 Social and Physical Aspects of Meetings and Conferences Helps you coordinate and enhance the interaction of the social and physical aspects of meetings and conferences with the goal of conducting more effective meetings. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_029 (250 KB)
PPC 030 Strengthening Public Involvement Shows how to strengthen public involvement in natural resources projects. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_030 (157 KB)
PPC 031 Exhibiting, A Tool to Achieve Technology Transfer Explains how professional exhibits (i.e. at county fairs and professional meetings) can be an effective means for communicating conservation messages. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_031 (836 KB)
PPC 032 Using a Multidisciplinary Approach to Conduct a Situational Analysis Presents a step-by-step approach for collecting, analyzing, and delivering information about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats influencing resource issues in a defined geographic area. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_032 (172 KB)
PPC 036 Using Budgets in Conservation Provides tips on how to analyze and use financial budgets for more effective conservation planning Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_036 (37 KB)
PPC 037 Using Cost Estimates in Conservation Provides tips on how to analyze and use cost estimates for more effective conservation planning. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_037 (51 KB)
PPC 038 Cost Effectiveness Analysis Provides information describing cost effectiveness analysis, and how this information can be used in conservation planning. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_038 (58 KB)
PPC 040 Social and Professional Skills to Be Effective With Small Farmers Provides guidance on the skills needed to work successfully with small farmers Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_040 (205 KB)
PPC 041 Barriers and Strategies for Small Scale Producers Provides guidance on overcoming barriers the conservationist may encounter when working with small scale producers Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_041 (739 KB)
PPC 042 Gaining Trust With Small Farmers Provides the skills necessary to gain and hold the trust of small farmers so that you may increase the adoption rate of conservation. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_042 (27 KB)
PPC 043 Working With Community Leaders Provides the basic skills needed to identify and develop working relationships with community leaders. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_043 (1602 KB)
PPC 044 Social Profile Provides information on developing a social profile of a community and using that information to increase conservation participation rates. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPPC_044 (385 KB)

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Technical reports

Some of these documents require Microsoft Word DocumentWord or Adobe Acrobat DocumentAdobe Acrobat.

Id Name Description Links
T 001 Brant, 2001 Voluntary and Regulatory Approaches, What is Necessary in Conservation Today? Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_001 (68 KB)
T 002 Berry, 2001 Environmental Justice: Perceptions of Issues, Awareness, and Assistance Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_002 (57 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_002 (84 KB)
T 002a Berry, 2001 Environmental Justive Executive Summary Report Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_002a (14 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_002 (32 KB)
T 003 Johnson & Clearfield, 1997 An Assessment of Sociocultural Factors Influenced by the Implementation of the Moloka`i Agricultural Community (MAC) Project, Moloka`i, Maui County, Hawai`i
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_003 (40 KB)
T 003a Johnson & Clearfield, 1997 Executive Summary of Moloka'i Report HTML version
T 004 Toupal & Johnson, 1997 Conservation Partnerships:  Indicators of Success Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_004 (114 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_004 (156 KB)
T 005 Rendziak, Jody, NRCS, 1998 Definitions Of Key Outreach Concepts Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_005 (9 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_005 (20 KB)
T 006 Brant, 1996 Empowerment in NRCS: What Works!
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_006 (42 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_006 (28 KB)
T 007 Clearfield, Frank; Berry, Kim; Thompson, Alton, 1997 EQIP Funding for Historically Underserved Individuals and Groups
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_007 (22 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_007 (27 KB)
T 008 NRCS, Council for Food and Agricultural Research, and University of Illinois Extension Grass Roots Planning - Local Solutions for Global Issues: The Otter Lake Story Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_008 (883 KB)
T 009 NRCS, Council for Food and Agricultural Research, and University of Illinois Extension Grass Roots Planning - Local Solutions for Global Issues:  Hard Rain, Hard Choices Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_009 (1049 KB)
T 010 Joseph J. Molnar, Thomas Hoban, Jerry D. Parrish, and Michael Futreal, 1998 Industrialization of Agriculture: Trends, Spatial Patterns, and Implications for Field-Level Application by the Natural Resources Conservation Service HTML version off this site
T 012 Berry, Kim; Kenyon, Jeffery; Lyons, Daniel; Wims, Daniel; 1998 Scientific and Technical Cooperation Program - International Travel Report - Northern Province of South Africa
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_012 (35 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_012 (50 KB)
T 013 Brant, 1998 Social Factors Influencing Implementation of Programs Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_013 (1201 KB)
T 014 Clearfield & Osgood, 1986 Sociological Aspects of the Adoption of Conservation Practices
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_014 (46 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_014 (55 KB)
T 015 Wallace & Clearfield, 1997 Stewardship, Spirituality and Natural Resources Conservation, A Short History
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_015 (34 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_015 (60 KB)
T 016 Marketing Horizons, Inc., 1997 Talking Conservation:  What we say/What the public hears, Communications Research, Focus Group Report.
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_016 (67 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_016 (87 KB)
T 016a Marketing Horizons, Inc., 1997 Executive Summary Talking Conservation Report. HTML version
T 017 Wallace, Clearfield, & Koppenaal, 1998 Women in Agriculture: Changing Roles and Current Outreach Techniques Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_017 (98 KB)
T 018 Christensen and Grajales-Hall, 1997 Working With Asian and Hispanic Limited Resource Farmers and Ranchers
Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_018 (83 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentT_018 (89 KB)
T 019 Molnar, Bitto, and Brant 2001 Core Conservation Practices: Adoption Barriers Perceived by Small and Limited Resource Farmers
Microsoft Word DocumentT_019 (64 KB)
Adobe Acrobat Document full version (Bulletin 646, May 2001).
T 020 Clearfield, 2002 Adding Up Social Capital: An Investment in Communities Microsoft Word DocumentT_020 (72 KB)
T 021 Clearfield, 2002 Earth Team Volunteer Survey Microsoft Word DocumentT_021 (102 KB)
T 022 Brant, 2002 Adoption of Conservation buffers: Barriers and Strategies Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_022 (417 KB)
T 024 Linkage Inc., Frank Clearfield; 2003 The Leadership Assessment Instrument HTML version
T 025 Gail Brant; 2003 Barriers and Strategies Influencing the Adoption of Nutrient Management Practices Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_025 (836 KB) Microsoft Word DocumentT_025 (131 KB)
T 026 Teresa Magnuson, Barbara Wallace and Frank Clearfield; 2003 Evaluating Resource Needs of Native American Tribal Governments in the Midwest Region Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_026 (862 KB)
T 027 East National Technical Support Center; 2004 Guide for Estimating Participation in Conservation Programs and Projects Adobe Acrobat DocumentT_027 (138 KB)

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Marketing Workbooks and Guidebooks

(Authors: NACD, NRCS, and NASCA)

Some of these documents require Microsoft Word DocumentWord .

Id Name Description Links
M 001 Marketing for Success This is the main workbook in this series of marketing publications. The workbook divides marketing into 7 phases: issues, alliances, customers, customer needs, goals, marketing plan, and evaluation. It explains each phase and provides sample worksheets, exercises, tips, and short case studies. By using this workbook and the associated guidebooks, a participant can develop his/her marketing plan for the major issue in their workplace. Microsoft Word DocumentM_001 (238 KB)
M 002 Reaching Out to Minority Farmers This guidebook explains some techniques for extending conservation programs to minority groups. It also makes recommendations for building productive working relationships with these groups. Microsoft Word DocumentM_002 (40 KB)
M 003 Information Gathering Techniques This guidebook explains several techniques which are useful for collecting information from customers or other groups of people. Microsoft Word DocumentM_003 (71 KB)
M 004 Media Relations This guide provides instructions to help you make effective use of the media in your area to promote the conservation goals of the partnership. Microsoft Word DocumentM_004 (39 KB)
M 005 Conflict Management This guide covers techniques for managing and resolving conflict situations. Microsoft Word DocumentM_006 (29 KB)
M 006 Leadership Identification and Group Dynamics This guidebook provides two useful skills: (1) how to identify community leaders who are likely to get involved in promoting the goals of the conservation partnership and (2) how to be an effective facilitator or team member in small groups. Microsoft Word DocumentM_006 (29 KB)
M 007 Building Alliances This guidebook explains the steps for creating an alliance (network, coalition, partnership, or other cooperative effort for promoting conservation) to promote conservation goals. Microsoft Word DocumentM_007 (40 KB)

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Some of these documents require Microsoft Word DocumentWord or Adobe Acrobat DocumentAdobe Acrobat.

Product and Program Brochures
Id Name Description Links
PB 001 Social Sciences Team Product Catalog Lists products produced by the Social Sciences Team which can be ordered. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPB_001 (483 KB)
PB 002 The Leader In You Training Brochure Lists the tapes available in this training program. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPB_002 (97 KB)
PB 003 Developing Your Skills to Involve Communities in Implementing Locally Led Conservation Lists the training modules available in this training program. Adobe Acrobat DocumentPB_003 (607 KB)

Miscellaneous Publications

Some of these documents require Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) .

Id Name Description Links
MI 001 Social Science Coordinator's Position Description Contains the job performance elements that can be added to coordinator's job descriptions. HTML version
Adobe Acrobat DocumentMI_001 (17 KB)
Microsoft Word DocumentMI_001 (36 KB)
MI 002 Available Tools for Responding to Change Lists the products available on this site that relate to stress management. Adobe Acrobat DocumentMI_002 (138 KB) (97 KB)
MI 003 Available Tools for Outreach and Diversity Efforts Lists the products available on this site that relate to working with underserved groups, increasing diversity on committees and workgroups, and understanding different cultures. Adobe Acrobat DocumentMI_003 (76 KB)
MI 004 Social Science Team 2003 Accomplishments Highlights some of the accomplishments achieved in 2003. Adobe Acrobat DocumentMI_004 (468 KB)

Temporary Publications
Id Name Description Links
TEMP 003 Leaders At All Levels: The Readiness Factor Are you "ready to think, decide, influence, and act upon any situation that might occur in order to benefit and protect your organization"?. This publication will help you with the answer. Adobe Acrobat DocumentTEMP_003 (537 KB)
TEMP 004 The Core of Great Leadership Mr. Buckingham addresses: "a) the controlling insight at the heart of great managing and great leading, b) how you can put these insights to work, and c) why great managers and leaders focus on people first and strategy second" . Adobe Acrobat DocumentTEMP_004 (890 KB)