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State and Local Government Overviews

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    A Country of Many Governments
    U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs. Chapter 7 from "An Outline of the U.S. Government".

    State and Local Government: Adapting to Change
    U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, "Issues of Democracy", Volume 8, Number 2, October 2003. This electronic journal examines the vital role played by U.S. state and local governments, and it presents several case studies of how both governments and the people they represent are responding to the challenges they now face.

    State Government
    U.S. Government Printing Office. A brief description of the role of state governments.

    Federal Grants to State and Local Governments: A Brief History
    Congressional Research Service, Updated February 19, 2003.


    American Federalism, 1776 to 1997: Significant Events
    Congressional Research Service, 1997. An analysis of key events related to the question of "What powers, privileges, duties, and responsibilities does the Constitution grant to the national government and reserve to the states and the people?".

    Federalism, State Sovereignty and the Constitution: Basis and Limits of Congressional Power
    Congressional Research Service, Updated September 5, 2003. This report discusses state and federal legislative power generally, including congressional power under Article I and the Fourteenth Amendment; limits on congressional powers, such as the Tenth Amendment; and state sovereign immunity under the Eleventh Amendment.

    Hearings - On the State of Federalism
    Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, 1999. The testimonies of experts involved in state and local government on the state of federalism.

    National versus State Government
    U.S. Government Printing Office. A brief description of powers reserved to the states and those of the federal government.

    Reinventing American Federalism
    U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Information Programs, "Issues of Democracy", Volume 2, Number 2, April 1997. Over the past 200 years, American federalism has undergone constant evolution. This issue examines today's new alignments and balances between the federal, state and local governments from a variety of perspectives.

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