USDA Forest Service

Research & Development Treesearch


USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 96090
Washington, D.C.

(202) 205-8333

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Treesearch Help

Simple Search

The easiest way to search for publications is from the Treesearch Home page. There you can search by author's name, search for a term in the title, or use the Keywords field to search for a term in the title or abstract.



terms or even portions of a word occurring in the publication's title or abstract


all or portions of an author's or editor's name, but not including editors of a broader work like a proceedings that contains the specific publication along with many others


terms or portions of a word occurring in the title of the specific publication


Filter by date

a range of publication years indicated by the appropriate beginning and ending years for the range ("Starting:" and "Through:") and selected by marking the box to the left of the phrase "Filter by date"


Search fields are case insensitive. Search phrases can be enclosed in quotes. If quotes are not used, matches will be sought regardless of the order or proximity of the search terms in the field. For example, searching for the term "land use" without quotations will match "agricultural use and forest land" but with quotations will only find "land use".

Authors are usually entered as last name followed by first name separated by a comma, as in "Doe, John I." First names may be abbreviated to the first letter. Searching only for the author's last name is the most reliable way to include the desired publication in the results.

Fill in any one of the fields, or restrict your search further by filling in multiple fields. Clicking the Search button initiates the search using the criteria you've specified. At least one item must be selected for the search to proceed.

Search for Station Series
If you are looking for a particular publication that was published as part of a regular series by a Station, you can use the fields on the right side of the Home page in the box titled "Search for Station Series Publications."

Use the first drop-down box to select a particular series, and the second box to select the publishing Station. Keys to these abbreviations are found further down this page. If you wish to search more than one station or series at a time, you'll need to either choose "Any" to search them all or run separate searches for each.

If you know the issue number, this can be entered in the third box. Treesearch looks for the number you enter anywhere within the issue number. For example, searching for the digit "5" will locate issues 5, 15, and 257, among others. To find only issue 5, enter "005" in the search box.

When you finish setting one or more search criteria, click the Search button to initiate the search. You must select at least one item for the search to proceed

Advanced Searching

If a simple search does not find the right publication, click the Refine Search button at the bottom of any search results page to begin an Advanced Search. This page gives more options for refining a search, including specifying criteria to include and exclude authors or terms, and limiting searches to publications originating in particular Stations. Any of the options on the page can be selected individually or acting together, providing great flexibility in focusing a search.

Author, Title and Keyword searches have more options than in the Simple Search. Choosing "AND" to the left of a line functions the same as in the Simple Search, further subsetting results to those that meet both this criterion and the one above it. However, choosing "OR" adds results of this criterion to those from the others, so publications need only match one of the criteria to be listed in the results.

Choosing "Does not contain" in the Comparison column excludes publications that match that criterion. This allows searches that, for example, list all publications with an author named "Alig" but excludes those with the term "land use" in the title.

By changing the Search field item in a given row you can specify multiple criteria for the same field, allowing you, for example, to search for all publications by "Pye" but excluding those coauthored with "Prestemon." The Add new search field button allows addition of more criteria, the Remove button to the right allows removal of that criterion.

By default, result pages display 10 results per page, this can be changed with the Results to show per page drop-down list, allowing up to 200 results to be shown on a page.

Searches look for character strings anywhere in the field, meaning that searches for a particular author will match publications regardless of where that name appears in the list of authors. More flexible choices for the various fields are available by choosing the Regular expressions radio button, which directs the search to recognize this complex but powerful syntax, commonly used in Unix and Perl.

Filter Publications
Filtering by publication year functions the same as in the Simple Search. Filtering by publication type also works the same as in Simple Search except that this filter can be invoked at the same time as all the other criteria on the page, allowing searches for all publications by author "Haight" in the Publication type "GTR" for example. Publication origin allows searches to be limited to the Station from which the publication originated, usually defined by author affiliation or publisher.

Note that simply choosing a particular Publication type, Date range, or Publication origin will not restrict your search unless you also select the box that represents the desired filter.

Selecting any Search button begins the search with the specified criteria. Selecting any Reset button returns the form to its original settings.


Station of Origin

FPL Forest Products Laboratory
IITF International Institute of Tropical Forestry
NA Northeastern Area (State & Private) 
NC North Central Research Station 
NE Northeastern Research Station
PNW Pacific Northwest Research Station 
PSW Pacific Southwest Station
RMRS Rocky Mountain Research Station
SRS Southern Research Station
WO Washington Office


Publication Station

IITF International Institute of Tropical Forestry
INT Intermountain Research Station
(Now part of Rocky Mountain Research Station)
NA Northeastern Area (State and Private)
NC North Central Research Station
NE Northeastern Research Station
PNW Pacific Northwest Research Station
PSW Southwest Research Station
RMRS Rocky Mountain Research Station
SE Southeastern Forest Experiment Station
(Now part of Southern Research Station.)
SRS Southern Research Station
SO Southern Forest Experiment Station
(Now part of Southern Research Station.)
WO Washington Office


Publication Types

FIDL Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet
GTR General Technical Report
INF Information Forestry
OSP Old Station Paper
(Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Publication)
OSN Old Station Note
(Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Publication)
P Proceeding
(Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications)
RB Resource. Bulletin
RN Research Note
RP Research Paper

USDA Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  March 2, 2004

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