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EPA Releases New Requirements for Cooling Water Intake Structures

On July 9, 2004, the Environmental Protection Agency released its final rule for cooling water intake structures at Phase II facilities. This is the first time that the EPA has established a systematic way to address the physical consequences of cooling water intake operation on aquatic organisms. The final rule establishes performance standards that are projected to reduce impingement mortality by 80 to 95 percent and, if applicable, entrainment by 60 to 90 percent. With the implementation of this final rule, the EPA intends to reduce the number of aquatic organisms lost as a result of water withdrawals associated with these structures.

The rule implements Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act for certain existing power producing facilities that employ a cooling water intake structure and are designed to withdraw 50 million gallons per day (MGD) or more of water from rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, oceans, or other waters of the United States for cooling purposes. The national requirements will be implemented through National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits.

This regulation is effective September 7, 2004. For further information contact: Martha Segall at (202) 566-1041 or Debra Hart at (202) 566-6379.

Federal Register, Volume 69, Number 131, Friday, July 9, 2004, pp. 41575-41693 (912 KB text file or 765 KB Adobe™ Acrobat™ file).

Marine Environmental Update Volume FY04, Number 4