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Sales Product Catalog | Searching
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The Sales Product Catalog (SPC) allows users to
search for and order Government information products currently available
from the Superintendent of Documents. Users can also find forthcoming
material, as well as titles that have been recently superseded or
have gone out of print. Available media include printed items, CD-ROMs,
diskettes, microfiche, videotapes, and more. The SPC is updated daily.
There are two ways to search the SPC:
The simple search interface is the more general
search, and the interface appears on the main page of the bookstore
as well as the left-hand column within the bookstore's browseable
applications. Search terms for a simple search can be a subject
or phrase, author, editor, organization, title, series, stock
number, date/year, or format (such as CD-ROM, diskette, microfiche,
poster, videotape, etc.).
Fielded searches allow the user to make a search
more specific by limiting the results to pre-selected elements,
such as stock number, title, author, and key phrase.
here to view a list of searching examples.
Boolean Operators: Boolean operators are connector words that
help to narrow your search. There are four Boolean operators: ADJ,
AND, OR, and NOT. The default Boolean operator is OR.
Retrieves records that include
the two words within 20 characters of each other. |
Retrieves records that contain
all of the terms specified in the search. |
OR |
Retrieves records that contain
at least one of the terms entered. |
Will exclude any records that contain
the word or phrase following it. |
Note: Boolean operators MUST be capitalized when using the SPC.
Quotation Marks: When searching the SPC, phrases should be
enclosed in quotation marks. If two words entered are put in quotations,
it will produce the same result as a search of the same two terms
with the ADJ operator.
Truncation: Word roots may be searched by keying the word
root, followed by an asterisk (*). This is called "truncation".
This will retrieve all records that include the word stem. For example,
a search reading "legislat*" will retrieve legislation,
legislature, legislative, etc.
Each search result will display a list of titles that are listed
based on relevancy. The default maximum responses for the SPC is 40.
A query report always appears as the final document with a score of
one in your search results list and tells you how your search was
For more information on a title, click on the text link to view that
product's record. To see a sample record that includes definitions
for each field, click
here. Only titles with an "Add to Cart" icon are
available for purchase.
For more information on query reports, relevancy ranking, maximum
responses, and general searching instructions, consult the General
Searching page on GPO Access.
The U.S. Government Online Bookstore categorizes the more than 12,000
different books, periodicals, posters, pamphlets, and subscription
services for sale into approximately 150 broad areas of interest,
from accounting and auditing to worker's compensation. Choose a category
from the pull-down menu on the U.S.
Government Online Bookstore homepage to view a list of products.
Add an item to your shopping cart by choosing the "Add to Cart"icon.
This free service allows you to receive convenient and timely e-mail
updates of selected new publications available for sale from the Superintendent
of Documents. Sign
up for any or all of the notification lists covering some of our
most popular subject areas and receive updates on new titles as soon
as they are available for purchase.
A number of special
collections have been compiled for various types of publications
available for purchase. These include CD-ROMs, subscriptions, and
regulatory publications. Add an item to your shopping cart by choosing
the "Add to Cart" icon.
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A service
of the U.S. Government Printing Office.