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PWRC Software Archive

The following programs were developed at PWRC and elsewhere for the analysis of animal populations for wildlife biologists/managers.

BAND2Computes the number of animals that must be banded in order to achieve a specified level of precision for survival rates estimated using band recovery models.
BROWNIEComputes estimates of survival and recovery rates for 2-age class band-recovery data.
CAPQUOTAComputes expected coefficients of variation of survival and capture probability for use in the design of capture-recapture-resighting experiments.
CAPTUREComputes estimates of capture probability and population size for "closed" population capture-recapture data.
CENTROIDTests the null hypothesis that two samples of recoveries belong to the same bivariate distribution.
COMDYNComputes estimates of species richness using large scale data.
CONTRASTCompares estimates of survival (or any normally distributed parameter estimates).
DISTANCEProvides an analysis of distance sampling data to estimate density and abundance of a population.
DOSECOMPAnalyzes dose responses for two populations, using the PROBIT model and the abbreviated protocol as described by Link et al(1996).
DOBSERVA Double-observer approach for estimating detection probability and abundance from avian point counts as described in Nichols et. al. (2000).
ECOSRCHECOSEARCH was developed as a first step to a testable, scientific basis for ecosystem management.
ESOREstimates patch occupancy rates and related parameters.
ESTIMATEComputes estimates of survival and recovery rates for 1-age class band-recovery data.
GENCAPH1Generates capture-history data for given s,theta,p,c.
JOLLYComputes estimates of survival and capture probability for 1-age class open population capture-recapture models.
JOLLYAGEComputes estimates of survival and capture probability for 2-age class open population capture-recapture models.
LOLASURVIVComputes estimates of survival and capture probability for open capture-recapture models when sex is not allways known.
MARKProgram MARK, a Windows 95, 98, or NT program, provides parameter estimates from marked animals when they are re-encountered at a later time. Click here to go to the MARK page.
MAYFIELDComputes estimates of daily survival rate for nest visitation data.
MSSURVIVComputes estimates of survival-movement and capture probability for open capture-recapture models.
MSSRVRD(BETA) replacement for MSSURVIV, RDSURV - Combines multi-strata, robust-design and trap-deaths.
MSSRVRCVComputes survival-movement, capture and recovery probabilities from multi-strata capture-recapture-recovery data.
MSSRVMISComputes estimates of survival and capture probability adjusted for missclassification.
MULTComputes estimates of survival and recovery rates for band-recovery data with additional models for estimating reporting rate.
ORDSURVIVComputes estimates of survival and temporary emigration under the "Open Robust Design".
POWERComputes the power of between-model likelihood ratio tests.
PRESENCEEstimates patch occupancy rates and related parameters.
RDSURVIVComputes estimates of survival and capture probability using capture-recapture data with "robust-design" models and recoveries.
RELEASEComputes estimates of survival and capture probability for capture-recapture experiments on open animal populations.
SCATMANTests the hypothesis of prey-selectivity based on random samples of predator scats.
SPECRICHComputes "species richness" or total number of species from emperical species abundance distribution data.
SPECRICH2Estimates the total number of species from species presence-absence data on multiple sample sites or occasions using model M(h) from program CAPTURE.
SURVIVComputes estimates of survival (or any model parameter) with multinomially distributed data.
TMSURVIVComputes estimates of survival and capture probability and the proportion of transients in open population capture-recapture data.
virttrapInstructional tool simulating a capture-recapture experiment.

Other www sites with wildlife-related software:
Colorado State University Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology.

llinois Natural History Survey

Population Analysis Software Group

Evan Cooch's software page.

This list is maintained by:
Jim Hines 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
11510 American Holly Dr. #201
Laurel, Md 20708-4017                   Last updated: 09-July-2002