News > USPTO Receives First International Trademark Application Under Madrid Protocol

USPTO Receives First International Trademark Application Under Madrid Protocol

The first international trademark application to be filed under the Madrid Protocol was received by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on Monday, November 3. The application was for the mark SNAP!VIDEO and was filed on behalf of Foveon, Inc. by Thelen Reid & Priest LLP. The application, which covered various digital cameras, software and related goods in International Class 9, has been certified and sent to Switzerland.
Under the Madrid Protocol, a trademark owner who is a U.S. citizen, or has a domicile or commercial establishment in the United States, and who has a registration or a pending application at the USPTO, may file an international application at the USPTO using the pending application or registration as the basis. The USPTO certifies that the international application accurately reflects the data in the U.S. application or registration, and then forwards the international application to the International Bureau (IB) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Also, as a member of the Protocol, the Trademark Operation will receive applications from trademark owners from other Madrid member countries who want to obtain registration in the United States. These "requests for extension of protection" will be examined like regularly filed U.S. trademark applications. The IB has already received some of these requests for extension of protection designating the US and they will be forwarded to the US for processing later this week.

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