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Gravitational Research

Gravitational Research Publications

Research Publications which have been produced by the Life Sciences Division.

Life into Space

Life into Space

Life into Space is an overview of space life sciences research conducted by NASA Ames Research Center and Kennedy Space Center. The 35+ years of research are made accessible for general readers and specialists, alike. The two volumes in the set, Life into Space, 1965-1990 and Life into Space, 1991-1998 are both available on this site for electronic distribution.

Division Overview
As NASA sets its sights on greater human exploration of our solar system, the Life Sciences Division is performing the biological research and developing the technology to enable humans and other living organisms to live and flourish in space during these journeys to distant locations.

  Division News  
Ask a C. elegans Expert

Why is Europe, Canada, Japan and the United States interested in sending a tiny, soil dwelling, vegetation eating worm to space? We invite you to ask us a question Begin Exploring Here!! and to experience the excitement of sending an experiment into space.
The ICE Mission
  NASA Sponsered Student Compitions  

International Space Station Test Bed Centrifuge (ISSTBC)

Walk in the footsteps of a NASA Space Biologist.

The Hyper-G ISS Centrifuge High School Team Biology Competition allows teams of high school-aged students from across the country to compete by proposing hyper-gravity (increased gravity) experiments. The selected team will have the opportunity to conduct their proposed experiment on NASA's International Space Station Test Bed Centrifuge (ISSTBC). The ISSTBC is a state-of-the-art ground based NASA research facility located at Ames Research Center in California.

Student Space Settlement Design Contest winners visit Ames

Local and international winners of the 2004 NASA Space Settlement Design Contest visited Ames Research Center on June 21. After presenting their visions of where and how people will live in the future, students were given a tour of Ames facilities and the NASA Exploration Center. This year's grand prize was awarded to students from Constantza, Romania for their submission LEDA (pictured left), chosen from a total of 122 submissions from 444 students. Designs were received from across the US, as well as international entries from Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Romania. The annual contest was founded in 1994 and is designed to spark students' interest in math and science.

Click here to view the picture of the 'Winner's Tour' June 21, 2004
  NASA News  
NASA, Salinas Valley Memorial join to advance medical imaging

Two major Bay area science facilities are now going to work together to develop highly advanced medical imaging technologies that could potentially revolutionize patients' diagnostics and treatment.


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Scientists on the Web

We conduct and coordinate biological research on Earth and in space to enhance our understanding of the role of gravity on life.

Scientists on the Web

We create solutions that enable human exploration of Mars and beyond, and benefit people on Earth.

Directory of Life Scientists at Ames

Data Archive on-line Catalog

Space life sciences research data and hardware archives from past NASA flight missions.

 Life Sciences
Data Archive